
Učinkovitost parcialnih energijskih ukrepov prenove starejše meščanske stavbe in njihovi vplivi na notranje okolje : diplomska naloga
ID Božič, Tajda (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajek, Luka (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavam štiri parcialne energijsko sanacijske ukrepe ter ukrep celovite energijske prenove starejše meščanske poslovno stanovanjske stavbe. Analiza obstoječega energijskega stanja ter vseh sanacijskih ukrepov je izvedena s pomočjo programa KI Energija, ki izračuna potrebno letno toploto za ogrevanje QNH in koeficient specifičnih transmisijskih toplotnih izgub H'T ter poda njuni dovoljeni maksimalni vrednosti predpisani glede na zahteve Pravilnika o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah. Na podlagi obeh omenjenih parametrov se oceni energijska učinkovitost posameznega sanacijskega ukrepa. Prav tako je s pomočjo programa KI Energija analiziran vpliv toplotnih mostov. Poleg energijskega aspekta je v nalogi obravnavana tudi osvetljenost notranjih prostorov. Analiza osvetljenosti za 3 poslovne in 4 bivalne prostore je tako za obstoječe stanje kot tudi za vse sanacijske ukrepe izvedena v programu Velux Daylight Visualizer 3, kjer je predstavljena s povprečno vrednostjo količnika dnevne svetlobe KDSav. V nadaljevanju je preverjen tudi vpliv posameznega sanacijskega ukrepa na osvetljenost notranjega okolja. Na podlagi rezultatov naloge sem ugotovila, da energijsko učinkovitost stavbe najbolj izboljšamo z izvedbo celovite energijske sanacije, po učinkovitosti pa ji nato sledita še ukrepa toplotne izolacije sten iz zunanje oz. notranje strani. Doprinos ostalih parcialnih sanacijskih ukrepov k večji energijski učinkovitosti stavbe je minimalen. Kljub vsemu, stavba tudi po celoviti energijski sanaciji še vedno ne zadostuje vsem zahtevam Pravilnika o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah. Prav tako sem ugotovila, da se osvetljenost prostorov z izvedbo sanacijskih ukrepov nekoliko zmanjša, vendar lahko njen primanjkljaj nadomestimo z umetno osvetlitvijo.

Keywords:prenova, potrebna letna toplota za ogrevanje, koeficient specifičnih transmisijskih toplotnih izgub, toplotna prehodnost, dnevna osvetljenost, toplotni most
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:T. Božič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110711 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8898657 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Efficiency of partial energy renovation solutions of an older bourgeois building and their effect on indoor environment : graduation thesis
The subject of my thesis are four partial energy renovation solutions and a complete energy renovation of an older bourgeois business-residential building. Building energy analysis is carried out with the help of the KI Energija program for the existing building and all energy renovation solutions. The program calculates the annual heat demand QNH, the specific transmission heat losses H'T and also their maximum values which are required by PURES. Energy efficiency of each renovation solution is estimated on the basis of previously calculated QNH and H'T value. The impact of thermal bridges is also analysed with the help of KI Energija program. Besides the energy aspect my thesis also discusses the quantity of indoor illumination. The illumination analysis inside 3 business and 4 living areas is represented by the average daylight factor KDSav and is calculated with the help of Velux Daylight Visualizer 3 program. Afterwards the effect of each renovation solution on the illumination of indoor environment is being discussed. On the basis of my results I determined the complete energy renovation of the building as the most efficient energy renovation solution followed by the insulation of external walls either on the outer or inner side. The contribution of other partial solutions to the energetic efficiency is very minimal. Despite being the most efficient energy solution the complete renovation still doesn’t meet all the requirements set by PURES. The energy renovation solutions also lower the illumination of indoor spaces but the lack of it can be replaced by artificial light.

Keywords:renovation, annual heat demand, specific transmission heat losses, thermal transmittance, daylight illumination, thermal bridge

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