
Pričakovanja in čustva otrok ter njihovih staršev ob vstopu v osnovno šolo
ID Podergajs, Ksenija (Author), ID Batistič-Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5953/ This link opens in a new window

V zadnjem času je veliko govora o tem, ali naši otroci prehitro vstopajo v prvi razred osnovne šole, ali so dovolj zreli in bodo kos vsem novih zahtevam, ki jih čakajo. Dvom o zrelosti otrok in prehitrem vstopu v šolo nastaja predvsem pri starših, saj se jim zdi, da današnji sistem ni prilagojen starosti otrok, s katero vstopajo v šolo. Temeljni namen raziskovalnega dela je bilo raziskati pričakovanja in čustva otrok in njihovih staršev ob vstopu otrok v osnovno šolo. Zanimalo me je, kakšne občutke in čustva otroci doživljajo ob misli, da bodo jeseni prvič prestopili prag osnovne šole. Prav tako me je zanimalo, kaj si mislijo njihovi starši ob tem, da gredo njihovi otroci v prvi razred, in kako mislijo, da to doživljajo njihovi otroci. Rezultati so pokazali, da večji stres in skrbi glede šole doživljajo starši otrok kot otroci. Veliko bolj negotovi in v dvomih so kot njihovi otroci. Otroci s ponosom in veliko radovednosti vstopajo v nov svet, ki jih čaka. Ni jih strah, kljub temu, da je to velik korak v njihovem življenju, saj bodo spoznali nove ljudi, čakajo jih nove in bolj zahtevne zadolžitve, s katerimi se bodo morali spopasti tudi sami. Predvsem pa je pomembno, da starši otrokom stojijo ob strani, jim v težavah priskočijo na pomoč, se o šoli pogovarjajo ter jim slednjo predstavijo na pozitiven način. Veliko vlogo ima tudi sodelovanje med starši in šolo, saj lahko s tem otrokom pomagamo in jim omogočimo čim uspešnejši ter čim mirnejši prehod iz vrtca v šolo.

Keywords:prehod iz vrtca v šolo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110702 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12590665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Expectations and feelings of children and their parents when entering elementary school
Today we talk a lot about whether our children are getting too fast into the first grade of primary school, whether they are mature enough and will deal with all the new demands they are waiting for. The doubts about the maturity of children and the early entry into school arise primarily in parents, as they feel that today's system is not adapted to the age of children with whom they enter school. The main purpose of the research work was to investigate the expectations and feelings of children and their parents when entering children in elementary school. I was interested in what feelings and emotions children experience with the thought that in the autumn they will cross the threshold of the elementary school for the first time. I was also interested in what parents think about their children entering in the first grade and how they think that their children are experiencing it. The results showed that children's parents are experiencing increased stress and worries about school. They are much more insecure and in doubt than their children. On the oppositechildren enter the new world that awaits them with an pride and great curiosity. They are not afraid, even though this is a big step in their lives, as they will meet new people, they are waiting for new and more demanding tasks that they will have to face on their own. Above all, it is important that parents stand up to their children, help them in difficulties and, talk about school in a positive way. Cooperation between parents and school is also important, as we can help many children with this kind of education and provide them with the successful and easiest possible transition from preschool to school.

Keywords:transition from preschool to school

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