
2467 - Dva tisoč štiristo sedeminšestdeset
ID Salopek, Eva (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prvem delu bo pod drobnogled vzeta kvantna mehanika, njeni začetki in izvor ideje o mnogoterih vesoljih, ki se je diplomska naloga poslužuje. Osredotočal se bo na zgodovinski razvoj fizikalne vede in na problematike, ki so se znotraj nje pojavile. Drugi del bo posvečen kratkemu pregledu teorij o mnogoterih vesoljih, razpravi o tem, zakaj je Everettova tista, ki sodi v ospredje (vsaj v kontekstu te diplomske naloge) in pojavnosti kvantne mehanike oziroma metavesolja v slikarstvu. Everettova interpretacija kvantne mehanike in njene lastnosti bodo v tem delu tudi natančneje predstavljene. Zadnji del bo namenjen uporabi teorije pri utemeljitvi cilja diplomske naloge (komunikaciji z portretirancem), še zlasti pa predstavitvi elementov na sliki, ki bodo portretiranca (oziroma vse portretirance z ustrezno zgodovino) nagovorili in mu dali vedeti, da je upodobljen on sam.

Keywords:slikarstvo, Everettova interpretacija, kvantna mehanika, prihodnost, metavesolje, cepitev, razvejanje, Istok Ban Saar, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110666 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Title:2467 - Two thousand four hundred and sixty-seven
The first part contains an overview of quantum mechanics, its beginnings and the origin of the multiverse theory utilized in this BA thesis. It will focus on the historic development of quantum mechanics and the issues instantiated by it. The second part is dedicated to a brief rundown of prevailing multiverse theories, a discussion about why the Everett interpretation (in the context of this thesis) belongs in the foreground and the appearance of quantum theory in painted works. The Everett interpretation and its features will be listed and more closely examined in this part. The final segment strives to use the Everett interpretation to substantiate the goal of this thesis (communication with the painted subject), especially with the use of all painted elements pertaining to all suitable subjects, who are going to recognize themselves in the painted work.

Keywords:painting, The Everett interpretation, quantum mechanics, future, meta-universe, splitting, branching, Istok Ban Saar, BA thesis

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