
Produkt za konjeniško industrijo
ID Prevolnik, Pami (Author), ID Pritržnik, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Begš, Gaber (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo je rezultat raziskave problematike s področja konjeniške industrije. Glavni cilj je preoblikovati in izboljšati uporabo pregrinjala za konje, ki ohranja temperaturno ravnovesje. To je doseženo skozi analizo že obstoječih rešitev in s poglobljeno analizo procesa, osredotočeno na potrebe v danem okolju živali ter oskrbnika. Rezultat naloge je pregrinjalo, ki s pomočjo naprednega toplotno prevodnega materiala in ogrevalnega sistema ter aplikacije samodejno uravnava temperaturo konja. Diplomska naloga v raziskovalno analitični fazi opiše konjeniško industrijo, navaja potrebe oskrbovanja konjev po rekreacijah, osredotočene na počutje in zdravje, ter predstavi potrebe dela jahača oziroma samega oskrbnika. Skozi uporabniško analizo so predstavljene potrebe oskrbovanja po treningu, zajete z metodami opazovanja, anketiranja in intervjuja. Del analize je namenjen izbiri materialov in tehnologiji, ki je za čim ustreznejšo rešitev na podlagi izbrane teme preučena skozi anatomijo živalskega telesa. V drugem delu, tj. v konceptualni fazi, je prikazan proces iskanja rešitve, ki bi izpolnjevala postavljena oblikovalska izhodišča. Končna rešitev se nanaša na probleme, zapisane in predstavljene z vizualizacijami, fotografijami ter tehničnimi načrti.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje konjeniška industrija konji konjeniški šport hipodrom zdravje živine preventiva diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110658 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Product for horse industry
Bachelor’s thesis is the result of a research on the issue of equine industry. The main goal is to transform and improve the use of horse blankets, sheets or coolers for sweat and maintaining a moderate temperature balance through the analysis of already existing solutions, a process-driven analysis of the process, focused on the needs in the given animal environment and the caretaker. The result of thesis is a blanket, which uses advanced heat conductive material with heating system, that regulates temperature with an app. The bachelor's task in the research analytical phase includes a description of the equestrian industry, the need for horses after recreation, focused on the well-being and health, and the needs of the work of the rider or the manager himself. Through the user analysis, the needs of post-training are covered by methods of observation, interviewing and interviews. Part of the analysis is dedicated to the selection of materials and technology examined through the anatomy of the animal's body for the best possible solution based on the chosen topic. In the second part, the conceptual phase shows the process of finding a solution that would meet the set design principles. The ultimate solution solves the problems recorded and presented with visualizations, photographs and technical plans

Keywords:industrial design horse industry horses equestrian sport hippodrome health of poultry preventive BA thesis

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