
Užitni cvetovi
ID Moličnik, Ema (Author), ID Šircelj, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trend uživanja užitnih cvetov je postal fenomen v razvitem svetu. Iz ruralnega okolja se je preselil v ugledne restavracije mestnega okolja. Cvetove se vključuje tako v specialitete kuharskih mojstrov, kot tudi v vsakdanjo prehrano, ne le kot okras, temveč kot pomembno komponento okusa in arome ter zaradi vsebnosti za zdravje koristnih snovi. V zadnjih letih se povečuje število raziskav cvetov na področju vsebnosti bioaktivnih in hranilnih snovi in vpliva le teh na zdravje ljudi. Pomembna je predvsem visoka vsebnost skupnih fenolov, še posebej pa flavonoidov, katerim pripisujejo večino pozitivnih vplivov na zdravje. Ti imajo tako zaščitni, kot tudi kurativni učinek za številne bolezni. Pozitivno vplivajo na sladkorno bolezen, zmanjšujejo debelost, ugodno vplivajo na nevrološka, rakava in druga obolenja, imajo pa tudi veliko antibakterijsko in protimikrobno aktivnost. Tradicionalno se je užitne cvetove za prehrano nabiralo s samoniklih rastlin, danes pa se vse bolj uveljavlja tudi pridelava rastlin za nabiranje cvetov za prehrano na kmetijskih površinah. V nalogi so zbrani izsledki raziskav rastlin z užitnimi cvetovi, organoleptična in prehranska vrednost ter kemijska sestava cvetov, vpliv bioaktivnih snovi iz cvetov na zdravje ljudi, ter pridelava rastlin z užitnimi cvetovi.

Keywords:užitni cvetovi, prehranska vrednost, gojenje, kemična sestava, zdravilni učinki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. Moličnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110625 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9289593 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Edible flowers
The trend of consuming of edible flowers has become a phenomenon in the developed world. It began in the rural parts of the world and from there it moved to renowned restaurants in the urban environment. The flowers are included both in the specialties prepared by master chefs, as well as in everyday cuisine, not only as decoration, but as an important component contributing to taste and aroma. As they contain some medicinal substances, they are also beneficial for health. In recent years, there has been a growing number of research regarding bioactive and nutrient substances and the influence thereof on human health. Particularly important is the high content of common phenols, especially flavonoids, which are ascribed with most positive effects on health. They have both a protective and a curative effect in connection to a great many diseases. They cure diabetes, reduce obesity, have a beneficial effect on neurological, cancerous and other diseases. In addition to that, they also have a high antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. Traditionally, edible flowers were collected from wild plants. Nowadays, however, there is a growing tendency of growing plants on agricultural surfaces in order to collect their petals. This diploma work contains the results of research of plants with edible petals, organoleptic and nutritional values of edible flowers, the chemical composition of petals, the influence of substances from flower petals on human health, and the production of edible flowers.

Keywords:edible flowers, nutritional value, growing, chemical composition, effect on healt

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