
Reprezentacija spola v romanih Myra Breckinridge in Pokliči me po svojem imenu
ID Lovrečič, Matjaž (Author), ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se skuša približati odgovoru na vprašanje, ali je prikaz spola v romanih Myra Breckinridge in Pokliči me po svojem imenu morebiti subverziven. Čeprav sta si romana različna tako vsebinsko kot tudi slogovno, imata skupno točko, in sicer zanimanje za marginalizirane oziroma tabuizirane družbene skupine. V Vidalovem romanu naletimo predvsem na tematiziranje transseksualizma, Aciman pa v prvi plan postavlja homoerotiko. Pomenljivo je, da je prvi roman izjemno nekonvencionalen: Vidal uvaja provokativen, ekspliciten in napadalen slog, njegova fabula je bizarna, zaključek pa izrazito satiričen. Aciman pa se, po drugi strani, drži ustaljene fabule ljubezenskega romana, vendar s to razliko, da sta njegova glavna protagonista, ki se zapleteta v razmerje, moškega spola, poleg tega pa njegovi erotični opisi mestoma posegajo po eksplicitnem jeziku. Za primerjavo teh dveh romanov sem se odločil prav zaradi njune različnosti, saj ta omogoča raziskovanje romanesknega prikazovanja spola iz dveh raznolikih perspektiv.

Keywords:spol, transseksualnost, homoerotika, subverzivnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110608 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Title:Representation of sex in the novels Myra Breckinridge and Call me by your name
Undergraduate thesis attempts to answer the question whether the representation of sex in the novels Myra Breckinridge and Call me by your name is possibly subversive. Although different in both content and style, the novels share one common ground: interest in marginalized and tabooised social groups. In Vidal's novel we mostly encounter a discussion on transsexualism, whereas Aciman foregrounds homo-erotica. The first novel is especially unconventional: Vidal introduces provocative, explicit, and aggressive style, his plot is bizarre, conclusion distinctly satiric. Aciman, on the other hand, follows the established romance novel plot, while his main characters are two men, involved in a sexual relationship. Besides that, his erotic descriptions partly use explicit language. The comparison of these two novels was chosen precisely due to their diversity, which allows the exploration of romanesque representation of sex from two diverse perspectives.

Keywords:sex, transsexuality, homo-erotica, subversiveness

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