In my thesis I have dealt with social globalisation in European Union. In the theoretical part I explained globalisation and its dimensions, with emphasis on social dimension in connection with culture and EU. In theoretical and the empirical part of my thesis, that is because of my biggest interest in which country is the most socially globalised, I used and described KOF Globalisation Index, which places countries on a globalisation scale using different variables. I chose KOF Index, because it is most common in academic literature, is most extensive and uses the latest data. For comparison, in theoretical part, I list other indexes, but I concentrate the most on the explanation of variables that effect the degree of social globalisation. What interested me the most in empirical part were the reasons that put countries on a higher level of social globalisation and if one of those reasons was longer membership in EU. I did my comparative analysis for selected countries of EU, which I chose based on their diverse history, culture and the year they joined EU. My first research question, with which I searched for reasons for higher degree of social globalisation, I found that the reasons are connected with other two dimensions of globalisation – economic and political. Countries with higher GDP are more socially globalised, also de facto and de jure measures are important, which I describe during my thesis. There is no connection between the length of EU membership and degree of social globalisation. I supported my findings with statistical data in tables and graphs and explained them in my final analysis of the thesis.