
Motivacijski vidiki zaposlenih za vključitev v športno-rekreativni program preventive zdravja : magistrsko delo
ID Ozebek, Tina (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu promocije zdravja na delovnem mestu v letu 2018 smo na vzorcu 222 zaposlenih v izbranem podjetju ugotavljali motivacijske dejavnike za vključitev v športnorekreativni program. Preko spletne ankete 1-ka smo vsem zaposlenim v izbranem podjetju, vključenim v športnorekreativni program, poslali vprašalnik. Tega je v celoti izpolnilo 222 zaposlenih (105 moških in 117 žensk). Delno izpolnjenih vprašalnikov pri obdelavi podatkov nismo upoštevali. Vprašalnik je bil razdeljen na dva sklopa. Prvi sklop je vseboval 6 sociodemografskih parametrov (spol, starost, višino, težo, najvišjo stopnjo dosežene izobrazbe, regijo stalnega bivališča) ter vprašanje o tipu dela (sedeče, razgibano). Zaposleni so morali v tem sklopu odgovoriti tudi na vprašanje, za katerega izmed 4 ponujenih športnorekreativnih programov so se v sklopu preventive zdravja odločili. V prvi sklop je bilo poleg navedenega vključenih še 24 vprašanj o programu, za katerega so se odločili, ter o motivih, na podlagi katerih so se odločili za vključitev v športnorekreativni program. V drugem sklopu vprašanj smo ugotavljali motivacijske vidike za vadbo. Uporabili smo vprašalnik »EMI-2, The Exercise Motivations Inventory«. Vprašalnik obsega 51 vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na različna področja motivov za športno dejavnost. Potrdili smo tri izmed petih hipotez in ugotovili, da obstaja statistično značilna razlika med najpogostejšimi motivi za vključitev v program preventive zdravja glede na spol, da so zaradi vključitve v program preventive zdravja zaposleni trenutno bolj aktivni ter da so začetne in končne meritve telesne sestave zaposlene motivirale za vadbo. Zavrnili smo dve postavljeni hipotezi in ugotovili, da med najpogostejšimi motivi za vključitev v program preventive zdravja glede na regijo bivanja in na področju motivov za ukvarjanje s športno dejavnostjo zaposlenih glede na tip dela ni statistično značilne razlike.

Keywords:rekreacija, motivacija, preventiva, motivi, zaposleni, promocija zdravja, delovno mesto
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110582 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5595569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Motivational factors of the employees for joining the sports recreational health prevention programme
As a part of the workplace health promotion programme in 2018, a sample of 222 employees have been analysed in a selected company to determine the motivational factors for joining sports recreational programmes. By means of the online questionnaire 1-ka all the employees of the selected company participating in a sports recreational programme have received the questionnaire. It has been filled out by altogether 222 employees (105 men and 117 women). Questionnaires which were only partly filled out have not been included in the analysis. The questionnaire is divided into two main parts. The first part includes 6 sociodemographic parameters (gender, age, height, weight, the highest level of education attained, the region of the permanent residence) and a question on the type of work (sedentary or non-sitting). In this part the employees also had to state which of the 4 sports recreational activities offered they have chosen to join as a part of the health prevention programme. Apart form that, the first part also includes 24 questions on the chosen programme and the motives which had contributed to their decision on joining a sports recreational programme. The second part of the questionnaire pertains to the motivational factors for recreation. For this, “EMI-2, The Exercise Motivations Inventory” questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire includes 51 questions referring to various types of motives for a sports activity. Three out of five hypotheses have been confirmed. We have established that there is a statistically clear difference between the genders regarding the most common motives for joining the health prevention programme. We have also established that because of their joining the health prevention programme, the employees are currently more active and that the initial and final measures of the body composition have positively motivated the employees to be active. Two hypotheses have been rejected, as it has been established that there is no statistically clear difference regarding the region of permanent residence and the type of work as being the most common motives for joining the health prevention programme.

Keywords:recreation, motivation, prevention, motives, employees, health promotion, workplace

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