
Motiv in različne metode njegove likovne obdelave / Čarobni gozd
ID Nestić Rušković, Nevenka (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in praktičnega. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila pojme, kot so motiv, tema, ponavljanje, mimezis, velikost, in naredila analizo po tem principu ustvarjenih slik. V praktičnem delu magistrske naloge sem predstavila svoja slikarska dela, ki so nastala v zadnjem letu. To je tudi predstavitev mojih pogledov in občutenj pri opazovanju narave, lastne domišljije in bežnega pogleda na dela drugih umetnikov ter njihovega vpliva na moje ustvarjanje. Zame slikarstvo nikoli ni bilo umetnost preprostega užitka, rekreacije, ampak nekaj, kar mi pomaga ta svet bolje spoznati in razumeti. Videno poskušam z različnimi likovnimi metodami obdelave istega motiva predelati na raven osebne likovne govorice, ne želim slikati preprosto tega, kar vidim pred sabo, ampak to, kar vidim v sebi, svojo predstavo o videnem. Ne gre za to, da motiv enostavno preslikam na platno, temveč želim z natančnim opazovanjem spoznati njegovo bistvo in njegovo lastno energijo, ki jo pokažem s svojo potezo in barvno paleto. Podoba motiva se giblje na meji med prepoznavnostjo in abstrakcijo, ki pa je nikoli ne prekoračim, ostajam na ravni figuralike. Slika je postala prostor za reševanje čisto likovnih problemov, kot so oblika, barva, poteza, format, kompozicija, ritem, gibanje, kadriranje, ploskovna obdelava, abstrahiranje motiva. Rezultate reševanja teh problemov na svojih slikah sem analizirala in opisala. Tema magistrske naloge je formuliranje netrivialnih alternativ obdelave istega motiva, analiza likovnih dosežkov in povzetek ugotovitev.

Keywords:slikarstvo, narava, vplivi, tihožitje, krajina, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2019
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Title:Art Subject and it's different processing methods / Magic forest
My master’s thesis consists of two parts, theory and practice. In the theoretical part I have defined concepts such as motif, theme, repetition, mimesis and size, and have made an analysis of paintings that were created based on these principles. In the practical part of my master’s thesis I have presented my own paintings, which were created during the past year. It also includes a presentation of my own views and perceptions which have been inspired by observing nature, by my own imagination and by having a hasty glance at the works of other artists, as well as considering their effect on my paintings. For me, painting has never been an art of simple pleasure or recreation, but something which helps me to better know and understand the world. I attempt to use different artistic methods to examine what I see by treating the same motif and to process it on a level of personal artistic speech. I do not wish to simply paint whatever I see in front of me, but that which I see in myself and my own interpretation of what I see. I do not simply paint a motif on canvas, but I wish to understand its essence and energy through detailed observation, which I demonstrate with my strokes and colour palette. The image of the motif, however, spans the border of recognition and abstraction, which I never cross, as I remain on the level of figurative art. Paintings have become an area where completely artistic issues can be resolved. These include shape, colour, stroke, format, composition, rhythm, motion, framing, surface treatment and abstraction of the motif. I have analysed and described the results of solving these problems in my paintings. The theme of my master’s thesis is the formulation of non-trivial alternatives of treatment of the same motif, the analysis of artistic achievements and a summary of my conclusions.

Keywords:painting, nature, influences, still life, landscape, Ma thesis

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