
Oblikovanje in izdelava grafičnih izdelkov z repelentnimi lastnostmi
ID Tihole, Katarina (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izdelek velikokrat potrebuje precej časa, da pride od npr. tovarne proizvajalca do našega gospodinjstva, saj vmes zamenja več prostorov z različnimi higienskimi pogoji, prav tako pa se menjajo vplivi zunanjega okolja (temperatura, vlaga, rokovanje z izdelki ipd.). Vse našteto so odlične priložnosti za onesnaženje izdelkov z žuželkami in mikrobi, ki lahko povzročijo velike materialne in posledično tudi finančne izgube. Naš raziskovalni problem je bil vdor žuželk v embalažo. Z uporabo primernih materialov, oblik in drugih dejavnikov lahko dosežemo zmanjšanje morebitne škode, kar je v korist tako proizvajalcu na eni strani kot končnemu uporabniku na drugi strani, vmes pa prodajalcem kot veznim členom med obema stranema. Pomagamo si lahko na različne načine, med drugim z uporabo obešank, etiket in drugih izdelkov, ki s pomočjo aktivnih učinkovin odganjajo žuželke. Ti izdelki ne kvarijo izgleda okolja, v katerem se nahajajo, temveč ga s svojim izgledom polepšajo in diskretno opravljajo svoje delo. V magistrski nalogi je obravnavan celoten potek od načrtovanja in oblikovanja izdelkov, izbire ustreznega materiala, priprave in nanosa repelenta do testiranja učinkovitosti premazov, ki smo jih nanesli na obešanke in etikete. Predstavljene so tudi dosedanje študije na področju eteričnih olj v povezavi z embalažo uporabljeno v prehrambni industriji. Test učinkovitosti premazov se je izvajal na italijanski univerzi Molise, trajal je 30 dni, uporabili pa so primerke koruznega žužka. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so bili naši izdelki, na katere je bil nanesen repelentni premaz, ki je vseboval eterično olje bazilike in rožmarina, uspešen. Narejeno je bilo manj škode, saj je prišlo do manj vdorov v primerjavi s kontrolnimi primerki. Največjo uspešnost je dosegel premaz z eteričnim oljem bazilike. Naše obešanke in etikete torej dokazano zmanjšujejo škodo, ki jo lahko povzročijo žuželke in tako preprečujejo neželene finančne stroške. Poleg tega lahko polepšajo dom, zaradi svojega naravnega izvora in načina delovanja pa so prijazni do ljudi, živali in okolja.

Keywords:repelenti, premazi, embalaža, obešanke, etikete, oblikovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110461 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Design and production of graphic products with repellent properties
The product often needs a lot of time to come from, for example, the manufacturer's factory to our household, as it interchanges several spaces with different hygienic conditions, as well as the effects of the external environment (temperature, humidity, handling of products, etc.). All these are an excellent opportunities for contaminating products, mainly with insects (and microbes), which can cause enormous material and, consequently, financial losses. Our research problem was the invasion of insects into packaging or materials. By using suitable materials, shapes and other factors, we can achieve a reduction in possible damage, which is in favor of both the manufacturer on the one hand and the end user on the other hand, and also grocery stores as a link between the two. We can try to get rid of or minimize the problem in several ways, by using various hangers, labels and other products that use insect repellent with active ingredients. These products do not need to »spoil« the appearance of the environment in which they are located, but they can even beautify and discreetly perform their work with their pleasant appearance. The master's thesis deals with the entire course of designing products, selecting a suitable material and applying a repellent, to testing the effectiveness of coatings applied to hangers and stickers. Present studies in the field of essential oils in connection with packaging used in the food industry are also presented. The coating performance test was carried out at the Italian University of Molise. The test lasted for 30 days, using the specimens of Maize weevil. It has been found that our graphic products on which a repellent coating containing basil or rosemary essential oil was applied, was successful, as less damage was done compared to control products. The highest performance was achieved by the basil essential oil. Our hangers and stickers are thus proven to reduce the damage that can be caused by insects to prevent unwanted financial costs. In addition, they can beautify our home, and due to their natural origin and the way they work, they are friendly to people, animals and the environment.

Keywords:repellents, coatings, packaging, pads, labels, design

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