
Prosti čas staršev
ID Žebovec, Valerija (Author), ID Čačinovič Vogrinčič, Gabi (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala prosti čas staršev. Zanimalo me je, kako starši definirajo prosti čas, kaj jim pomaga pri organizaciji in preživljanju prostega čas in s kakšnimi izzivi se spopadajo. Zanimalo me je tudi, kaj staršem pomeni prosti čas in kakšen vpliv mu pripisujejo, seveda pa tudi, kako ga preživljajo. Raziskava je kvalitativna, empirična in eksplorativna. Vzorec pa je neslučajnosten in priložnosten. Starši definirajo prosti čas kot čas zunaj dela, ko imajo svobodo pri izbiri dejavnosti. Prosti čas ima na starše in njihove družine sprostitven in povezovalen vpliv. Starši prosti čas preživijo pretežno ob zabavnih aktivnostih in športu, pa naj bo to v prostem času zase, s partnerjem ali z družino. V veliko pomoč pri preživljanju prostega časa je neformalna mreža za varstvo, kjer ta seveda obstaja, v pomoč pa so tudi organizirane aktivnosti – festivali, projekt Super starš. Treba je še bolj raziskati prosti čas staršev in jih spodbujati ter jim ga pomagati kvalitetno preživeti.

Keywords:starši, prosti čas, partnerski odnos, starševstvo, socialno delo z družino
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Parent's leisure time
I researched the parent's leisure time in my graduation work. My questions were how the parents define the leisure time, what help they need for organization and spending the leisure time and which challenges are they facing with. I was also interested what the leisure time means to the parents, what influence they attribute to the leisure time and how they spend it. The research is qualitative, empiric and explorative. The pattern is non-accidental and occasional. The parents define the leisure time ass the time out of work, when they can freely choose the activity. The leisure time has a relaxing and connective influence to parents and the whole family. The parents mostly spend leisure time at sports and entertaining activities, in the leisure time for themselves, with the partner or with the whole family. The non-formal net to care for the children is good help to make good spending of leisure time where it exists. Good help are also organized activities like festivals and the Super parent project. The leisure time of the parents would have to be more researched. The parents would also have to be stimulated and helped to spend their leisure time well.

Keywords:parents, leisure time, partnership, parenthood, social work with family

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