
Lastnosti mesa pasme mangalica
ID Gumzej, Špela (Author), ID Demšar, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za pasmo mangalica so značilni prašiči s kodrasto dlako, nastala pa je s križanjem madžarskih pasem s srbsko šumadijsko pasmo ter divjo svinjo. Prašiči so nadpovprečno veliki, površina trupa je močno pokrita z maščobo. Za pasmo je značilna slabša reprodukcijska sposobnost, močan materinski čut in dobra sposobnost adaptacije na ekstenzivne pogoje reje. Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti kakovostne parametre mesa in drobovine prašičje pasme mangalica, predvsem vsebnost mikroelementov, predvsem kadmija, in makroelementov, vsebnost in sestava maščob, vsebnost holesterola in sposobnost mesa za vezanje vode ter jih primerjati tudi glede na režim krmljenja in reje. Prosta reja prašičev pasme mangalica poteka dalj časa kot intenzivna reja, kar vodi nižje končne vrednosti pH in večje vsebnosti maščobe, medtem ko sta sposobnost za vezanje vode in vsebnost mineralov (z izjemo kadmija) pri obeh načinih reje približno enaki. V primerjavi s sodobnimi pasmami se vrednost pH v mišicah prašičev pasme mangalica post mortem počasneje zmanjša na končno vrednost, mišice imajo najbrž zato tudi boljšo sposobnost za vezanje vode. Meso prašičev pasme mangalica in njenih križancev s pasmo duroc je bolj rdeče in temnejše, vsebuje več maščobe in železa ter je mehkejše v primerjavi in sodobnimi pasmami. V maščobnokislinskem profilu, tako kot v mesu vseh prašičjih genotipov, pri mangalici prevladujejo enkrat nenasičene maščobne kisline, sledijo nasičene in večkrat nenasičene maščobne kisline, vendar je vsebnost nasičenih maščobnih kislin manjša, nenasičenih maščobnih kislin večja pri pasmi mangalica in njenih križancih s pasmo duroc kot pri sodobnih pasmah.

Keywords:prašiči, pasme, mangalica, prašičje meso, drobovina, kemijska sestava, fizikalno kemijske lastnosti, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110433 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Characteristics of meat from Mangalica pig breed
The Mangalica pig is characterized by thick, woolly coat and was developed by crossbreeding the Hungarian breeds with Serbian Šumadija breed and the European wild boar. The Mangalica is one of the largest pigs; the largest part of their carcase surface is covered with fat. The breed is characterized by relatively poor reproductive performance, pronounced maternal instinct and good ability to extensive housing conditions. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the quality parameters of meat and offal of Mangalica breed, e.g. the content of microelements, especially cadmium, and macronutrients, fat content and fatty acid composition, cholesterol content, water holding capacity as well as to evaluate the effects of feeding and breeding regime. Extensive breeding of Mangalica breed takes longer than intensive breeding, leading to lower ultimate pH value and higher fat content, while water holding capacity and mineral content (with the exception of cadmium) is approximately the same in both breeding regimes. Compared to modern breeds, the pH value of muscles of Mangalica pigs has slower rate of decline post mortem and therefore their muscles have a better water holding capacity. The meat of the Mangalica pig and the meat from its crossbreds with the Duroc pig is in comparison to modern breeds redder, darker, contains more fat and iron and is tenderer. Even though the fatty acid profile of the meat from all pig genotypes is dominated by monounsaturated, followed by saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the content of saturated fatty acids is lower and the content of unsaturated fatty acids higher in the Mangalica and its crossbreds in comparison to the modern breeds.

Keywords:pigs, breeds, Mangalica, pig meat, offal, chemical composition, physicochemical properties, sensory properties

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