
Migracije snovi med embalažo in živili
ID Petelin Zadnik, Jana (Author), ID Požrl, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pakiranje živil v različne embalažne materiale in uporaba različnih tehnik pakiranja je sestavni del proizvodnje živil. Poleg mnogih drugih je ena najpomembnejših funkcij embalaže ti. zaščitna funkcija, ki zagotavlja dobro varovanje izdelka pred kemijskimi, mikrobiološkimi, fizikalnimi in atmosferskimi vplivi. Negativen vpliv na varnost in kakovost pakiranih živil predstavlja migracija različnih snovi iz embalažnega materiala v živilo. V nalogi smo se posvetili pregledu različnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na intenziteto migracijskih procesov, posameznim skupinam embalažnih materialov in skupinam migrantov, ki so značilni za različne embalažne material. Vrste potencialnih migrantov se glede na embalažni material razlikujejo. Intenziteta prehajanja migrantov v živila je odvisna od številnih dejavnikov, kot so koncentracija migrantov, lastnosti živila in embalažnega materiala, pogoji kontakta, fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti migrantov in mnogi drugi. Plastični materiali so prepustni, zato v živilo lahko prehajajo ostanki nevezanih monomerov in različni aditivi, ki jih uporabljajo pri njihovi proizvodnji. Kovinska in steklena embalaža sta neprepustni, steklo pa še posebej velja za praktično popolnoma inerten material. Vir migracij pri pakiranju v steklo lahko predstavljajo različne tesnilne mase, ki so nanešene na pokrovčke. Pri pločevinkah pa so poleg prehajanja kovinskih ionov v živilo lahko problematični zaščitni laki in tesnilne mase. Papirna embalaža je porozna, kar omogoča lahko prehajanje različnih snovi. Največ problematičnih snovi v papirno embalažo lahko vnesemo z recikliranim papirjem. Vir migrantov lahko predstavljajo tudi razna pomožna sredstva, kot so črnila in lepila. Raziskave o migracijah nanodelcev iz polimernih materialov še niso dale jasnih odgovorov o obsegu migracij in tveganjih povezanih z njimi.

Keywords:živila, pakiranje živil, migracije, plastična embalaža, papirna embalaža, steklena embalaža, kovinska embalaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[J. Petelin Zadnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110415 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5097080 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2019
PETELIN ZADNIK, Jana, 2019, Migracije snovi med embalažo in živili [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. J. Petelin Zadnik. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Migration from packaging to food
Storing foodstuff into different packaging materials and using different packaging techniques is an integral part of food production. Among other functions of food packaging, one of the most important aspects is the protective function that ensures good protection (of the product) from chemical, microbiological, physical and atmospheric influences. However, food is exposed to the migration of the components of packaging materials. This process represents an important aspect of ensuring food safety. The various packaging materials that come into contact with food can be problematic in terms of migration. There are many differences between the chemical composition and the migration ability of different migrants, which are specific to individual packaging materials. The rate of migration of particles into food depends on many factors, such as the concentration of migrants, characteristics of the food and packaging material, the manner of contact between the food and the packaging, the physico-chemical properties of the migrants and many others. In this thesis I examined and studied various factors that affect intensity of migration processes, individual groups of packaging materials and different groups of migrants that are present in them. Plastic materials are permeable, so residues of unbound monomers and various additives used in the production of packaging can migrate into the food. Metal and glass packaging materials are impermeable. Glass is especially considered to be a completely inert material. Different types of sealants on the lids and caps can be a source of migrating particles when using glass packaging. Metal ions, protective lacquers and sealants are the main source of migrations in metal packaging materials. Papers porosity aids in easy migration of different particles. Recycled paper is especially problematic. Various additives such as inks and adhesives can also be a source of migrants. Researches on the migration of nanoparticles from polymeric materials has not yet provided clear answers on the extent of migration and the risks associated with them.

Keywords:foods, food packaging, migration, plastic packaging material, paper packaging material, glass packaging material, metal packaging material

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