
Figuralism in Expressionism and in Brutus Art
ID Bitenc, Daša (Author), ID Vec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Participation in class plays an important role in students’ independent learning, developing communication and other skills, and increasing learning motivation. The purpose of the thesis is to present how Spanish and Slovenian secondary teachers perceive students’ responsiveness to interactive activities and their motivation for participating in lessons. In the theoretical part, I defined the concept of interpersonal communication and described the communication process between teacher and students. Later, I explained the differences in the traditional and modern concept of the curriculum and focused on the effects of the class participation on students. The empirical part consists of researching Spanish and Slovenian secondary teachers’ perception of students’ responsiveness and motivation for participating in class. The aim of the study was to compare opinions of teachers from both countries and find out about any possible differences regarding their perception. The results comparison has shown that there are no statistically significant differences in Spanish and Slovenian teachers’ perceptions of students’ responsiveness and motivation for participating in class. On the other hand, the study has shown differences in some of the difficulties that the teachers face during interaction with their students. Spanish teachers are more likely to encounter students’ inappropriate behavior during interaction, while Slovenian teachers mentioned students’ fear of speaking up in class and lack of concentration.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110348 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12581449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Motiviranost dijakov za sodelovanje pri pouku po mnenju profesorjev španskih in slovenskih programov srednješolskega izobraževanja
Sodelovanje pri pouku je ključnega pomena za samostojno učenje, razvijanje komunikacijskih in drugih spretnosti učencev in višanje učne motivacije. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti, kako profesorji programov srednješolskega izobraževanja v Španiji in Sloveniji zaznavajo odzivnost dijakov in njihovo motiviranost za sodelovanje med obravnavo nove učne snovi. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila pojem medosebne komunikacije in opisala komunikacijski proces med učiteljem in učenci. V nadaljevanju sem opisala razlike med tradicionalnim in sodobnim konceptom izobraževanja in se osredotočila na vpliv participacije pri pouku na učence. Empirični del temelji na raziskovanju zaznav slovenskih in španskih profesorjev srednješolskih programov izobraževanja o odzivnosti dijakov in njihovi motiviranosti za sodelovanje pri pouku. Namen raziskave je bil primerjati mnenja profesorjev obeh skupin vzorca in ugotoviti, če se ta v čem razlikujejo. Na podlagi primerjave rezultatov lahko sklenem, da se profesorji obeh držav v zaznavah o odzivnosti in motiviranosti dijakov za sodelovanje pri pouku statistično pomembno ne razlikujejo. Razlike so se pokazale v nekaterih ovirah, s katerimi se španski in slovenski anketiranci srečujejo pri interakciji z dijaki. Španski profesorji se v večji meri srečujejo z neprimernim vedenjem dijakov med odzivanjem, slovenski profesorji pa so kot oviro pri interakciji navajali strah dijakov pred izpostavljanjem in slabšo osredotočenost.


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