
Odkrivanje vloge dipeptidil-peptidaze IV v procesu celjenja ran pri miših z eksperimentalno izzvano hiperglikemijo
ID Brozić, Nikolina (Author), ID Jeras, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Batičić Pučar, Lara (Comentor)

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Patofiziološki procesi celjenja ran pri hiperglikemiji so zelo kompleksni in še niso dovolj pojasnjeni. Dipeptidil-peptidaza IV ali molekula CD26 (DPP IV/CD26) je multifunkcionalen protein, ki je v telesu prisoten v številnih celicah in različnih bioloških tekočinah. Poleg tega, da je vključen v vzdrževanje homeostaze glukoze z uravnavanjem biološke aktivnosti različnih substratov, igra pomembno vlogo tudi v procesih angiogeneze ter proliferacije, migracije in apoptoze različnih vrst celic, pomembnih za celjenje poškodovanega oz. ranjenega tkiva. Podatki iz literaure kažejo na to, da inhibicija DPP IV/CD26 prispeva k boljšemu celjenju ran pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo. Namen magistrske naloge je bil vzpostaviti eksperimentalni model diabetesa (eksperimentalne hiperglikemije) v divjem tipu (C57BL/6) in CD26 deficientnih (CD26-/-) miših, ter ugotoviti ali, in na kakšen način, v takih okoliščinah pomanjkanje DPP IV/CD26 vpliva na procesa angiogeneze in regeneracije kožnega tkiva. Razvoj diabetesa v poskusnih živalih smo spremljali s pomočjo kliničnih in biokemičnih parametrov. Mišim z induciranim diabetesom smo na hrbtnem delu naredili dve enaki kožni rani s premeroma 5 mm, nato pa jih žrtvovali 2., 4., 7., 10. in 15. dan po ranitvi. Vzorce kontrolne kože in ranjenega tkiva smo analizirali patohistološko, histomorfometrično, imunohistokemijsko in imunokemijsko. V odvzetih vzorcih (tkivni in serumski), smo določali stopnjo regeneracije coriuma (dermisa), izražanje molekul HIF-1? (s hipoksijo induciranega transkripcijskiega dejavnika 1?) in vaskularnega endotelijskega rastnega dejavnika (VEGF) ter koncentracijo kemokina IP-10. Encimsko aktivnost DPP IV/CD26 smo v serumskih in tkivnih vzorcih miši seva C57BL/6, med procesom celjenja ran v pogojih eksperimentalne hiperglikemije, spremljali spektrofotometrično. Ugotovili smo, da so miši CD26-/- v primerjavi z divjim tipom poskusnih živali bolje prenašale tako eksperimentalno hiperglikemijo kot tudi začetno hipoglikemijo. Makroskopske in mikroskopske analize so pri njih pokazale tudi hitrejšo dinamiko celjenja ran. Tako se je pri miših CD26-/- regeneracija coriuma začela prej, vnetna faza procesa celjenja je bila krajša, poleg tega pa je prišlo do hitrejšega nastajanja brazgotin in posledično do njihove hitrejše degradacije. Drugi dan celjenja ran je bilo izražanje HIF-1? pri predstavnikih obeh sevov statistično značilno manjše, 4. dan pa statistično značilno večje (p < 0,05), v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. Od 4. dneva dalje pa je bila ekspresija HIF-1? v odvzetih tkivih miši CD26-/- statistično značilno višja (p < 0,05) kot v tkivih seva C57BL/6. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je bilo izražanje VEGF pri misših CD26-/- statistično značilno večje (p < 0,05) v vseh testiranih časovnih točah, v primerjavi s poskusnimi živalmi divjega tipa. Serumske koncentracije IP-10 so bile pri miših CD26-/- statistično značilno višje (p < 0,05) v vseh časovnih točkah, v odvzetih vzorcih tkiv pa le na 10. in 15. dan po indukciji kožnih ran. Z analizo rezultatov smo ugotovili tudi, da je bila aktivnost DPP IV/CD26 v serumskih vzorcih miši C57BL/6 statistično značilno manjša (p < 0,05) na 4., v tkivih pa na 2., 4. in 7. dan po indukciji ran v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. Naši rezultati potrjujejo, da ima molekula DPP IV/CD26 pomembno vlogo pri uravnavanju koncentracije glukoze v krvi. Poleg tega sklepamo, da boljša angiogeneza in večja proliferacija celic v pogojih pomanjkanja DPP IV/CD26 ob povečani lokalni ekspresiji dejavnikov HIF-1?, VEGF in IP-10 potrjujejo, da ima inhibicija DPP IV/CD26 koristne učinke na proces celjenja kožnih ran poskusnih miši, v pogojih eksperimentalno izzvane hiperglikemije. Na podlagi naših izsledkov lahko torej potrdimo velik pomen inhibicije delovanja DPP IV/CD26 v smislu terapevtskega pristopa za zdravljenje sladkorne bolezni in njenih zapletov, še posebej pojava kroničnih ran.

Keywords:eksperimentalne živali, hiperglikemija, diabetes, dipeptidil-peptidaza IV (DPP IV/CD26), celjenje ran, angiogeneza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110301 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The discovery of dipeptidyl-peptidase IV role in wound healing process in mice with experimentally induced hyperglycemia
Pathophysiological processes of wound healing in hyperglycemia are very complex and insufficiently explained. Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV, or CD26 molecule (DPP IV/CD26) is a multifunctional protein present in a large number of cells in the body and in various biological fluids. Except its involvement in maintenance of glucose homeostasis by regulating the biological activity of various substrates, it also plays an important role in the processes of angiogenesis and proliferation, migration, and apoptosis of various cell types important for the healing of damaged or wounded tissue. Literature data suggest that DPP IV/CD26 inhibition contributes to improved wound healing in patients with diabetes. The aim of the Master's thesis was to establish an experimental model of diabetes (experimental hyperglycemia) in wild-type (C57BL/6) and CD26 deficient (CD26-/-) mice and to determine whether and how in that circumstances, DPP IV/CD26 deficiency influences on the processes of angiogenesis and cutaneous tissue regeneration. The development of diabetes in experimental animals was monitored by clinical and biochemical parameters. Diabetic mice were wounded on the dorsal region (two identical skin wounds with diameters of 5 mm) and sacrificed on days 2, 4, 7, 10, and 15 after wounding. Control skin and wound tissue samples were analyzed pathohistologically, histomorphometrically, immunohistochemically and immunochemically. The degree of corium (dermis) regeneration, the expression of HIF-1α (hypoxia-induced transcription factor 1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was analysed and the chemokine IP-10 concentration was determined. The enzyme activity of DPP IV/CD26 was determined spectrophotometrically in serum and tissue samples of C57BL/6 mice during the wound healing process in conditions of experimental hyperglycemia. It was found that CD26-/- show improved tolerance of both experimental hyperglycemia and initial hypoglycemia compared to wild type animals. Macroscopic and microscopic analysis showed a faster dynamics of wound healing. Thus, in CD26-/- mice the regeneration of the corium begins earlier, the inflammatory phase of the healing process was shorter accompanied by rapid scar tissue formation and consequently its faster degradation. On the day 2 of wound healing, the expression of HIF-1α was statistically significantly lower in both mice strains and statistically significantly higher on day 4 (p <0.05) compared to the control group. From day 4, HIF-1α expression was statistically significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the tissues of CD26-/- mice than in the tissues of C57BL/6 mice. We also found that VEGF expression in CD26-/- mice was statistically significantly higher (p < 0.05) at all tested time points, compared with wild-type animals. Serum IP-10 concentrations were statistically significantly higher (p < 0.05) in CD26-/- mice at all time points, while in the tissue samples only at days 10 and 15 after induction of skin wounds. Finally, DPP IV/CD26 activity in serum of C57BL/6 mice was statistically significantly lower (p < 0.05) at day 4 and in tissue at day 2, day 4 and day 7 after wound induction compared to the control group. Our results confirm that the DPP IV/CD26 molecule plays an important role in regulation of blood glucose concentration. In addition, more efficient angiogenesis and increased cell proliferation under conditions of DPP IV/CD26 deficiency, with increased local expression of HIF-1α, VEGF and IP-10 factors, confirm that DPP IV/CD26 inhibition has beneficial effects on the skin wound healing process of experimental mice under conditions of experimentally induced hyperglycemia. Based on our findings, we can confirm the major importance of inhibiting DPP IV/CD26 function in terms of a therapeutic approach for the treatment of diabetes and its complications, especially the occurrence of chronic wounds.

Keywords:experimental animals, hyperglycemia, diabetes, dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26), wound healing, angiogenesis

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