
Otonove Atene. Arhitekturni spomeniki in njihov pomen pri nastanku grške države v času vladanja kralja Otona (1833–1862)
ID Gradišnik, Jernej (Author), ID Vidrih, Rebeka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stergar, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prva polovica 19. stoletja je bila za grški prostor buren čas. Grška vojna za neodvisnost je močno prizadela prostor, ki so ga velike sile namenile neodvisni grški državi. Po posredovanju evropskih sil je grški prestol zasedel bavarski princ Oton. Novi kralj se je ob prihodu v svoje kraljestvo znašel pred zahtevno nalogo, kateri ni bil kos in je bil leta 1863 z državnim udarom odstavljen. Kljub temu so bili v času kralja Otona vzpostavljeni mehanizmi oblasti in identitete nove države, ki jim lahko sledimo tudi v arhitekturi in urbanizmu. S prvim pomembnejšim odlokom je Oton imenoval Atene za prestolnico in potrdil urbanistični načrt za zasnovo mesta, ki sta ga naredila Stamatios Kleanthes in Eduard Schaubert. Pomembno arhitekturno nalogo je predstavljala izgradnja kraljeve palače pri kateri je osebno sodeloval tudi bavarski kralj Ludvik. Palača je bila zasnovana v neoklasicističnem slogu kot tudi stavbi univerze in akademije. Prvo desetletje Otonove vlade je zaznamovala politika bavarizma, ki je izražena tudi pri arhitekturnih nalogah dodeljenim v Evropi izšolanim arhitektom. Z državnim udarom leta 1843 je bil kralj prisiljen opustiti to politiko in večjo vlogo nameniti lokalnim elitam. Tako je dela na Hansnovi Univerzi dokončal Lisandros Kaftantzoglou, dela na katedrali Marijinega oznanjenja pa Demetres Zezos, François Boulanger in Panagiotes Kalkos. Spremembe povezane s koncem politike bavarizma sovpadajo tudi z uveljavljanjem novega grško-bizantinskega sloga, ki je bil izražen ob gradnji mestne katedrale. Čeprav se je Otonovo kraljevanje končalo z državnim udarom in njegovo odstavitvijo je pomembno vplivala na izgradnjo države. Selitev prestolnice v Atene je vzpostavila novo središče grškega sveta. Kraljeva palača je postala središče političnega življenja in kasneje postala tudi sedež grškega parlamenta. Stavbi univerze in akademije sta vzpostavili kulturno in izobraževalno središče mesta, kjer se je izobraževala kulturna, politična in birokratska elita nove države. Katedrala Marijinega oznanjenja je z grško-bizantinskim slogom postala odmev Velike ideje, ki je zaznamovala politiko grške države v naslednjih desetletjih.

Keywords:Grčija, jugovzhodna Evropa, 19. stoletje, Oton, neoklasicizem, arhitektura
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110287 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Title:Otto's Athens. Architecture and its influence over Greek statebuilding under king Otto's reign (1833–1864)
The first half of the 19th century was a turbulent time for the Greek region. The Greek War of Independence inflicted heavy damage on the region that would then become the independent Greek state. Following the intervention of the Great Powers, the Greek throne was given to the Bavarian Prince Otto. The job proved to be too difficult for the young king and he was forced to leave Greece after a coup d'état in 1863. Nevertheless, during the reign of king Otto, the mechanisms of the government and the foundations of the state’s identity were established. Those are reflected in the architecture and urbanism of the new state. With his first major decree, Otto has designated Athens to be the capital of the Greek Kingdom and confirmed his support to an urban plan for the city designed by Stamatios Kleanthes and Eduard Schaubert. A predominant architectural task was the construction of the Royal palace in construction during which a major role was played by the king Ludwig of Bavaria. The palace was fashioned in a neoclassical style, not unlike the later buildings of the University and the Academy. The first decade of the Otto reign was marked by the policy of Bavarism, which was favouring the architects who studied in Europe. After the coup d'état in 1843 the king was forced to abandon this policy and provide more support to the local populace. Therefore the Hansen’s Academy was completed by Lisandros Kaftantzoglou and the Cathedral of the Annunciation by Demetres Zezos, François Boulanger and Panagiotes Kalkos. Changes to the policy of Bavarism also coincide with the introduction of the new Greco-Byzantine style that was first exhibited when the city’s cathedral was built. Even though Otto’s reign ended in a coup, it contributed significantly to the nation-building of the young Greek state. The relocation of the capital to Athens established a new center of the Greek world. The royal palace was the core of the political activity and later became the seat of the Greek Parliament. The University and the Academy formed a cultural and educational center for the city, where the cultural, political and bureaucratic elite of the new country were educated. The Cathedral of the Annunciation was characterized by the new Greco-Byzantine style that echoed the Megali Idea which influenced Greek policy for the following decades.

Keywords:Greece, Southeast Europe, 19th century, Otto, neoclassicism, architecture

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