
Ocena zmožnosti samooskrbe bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem : diplomsko delo
ID Jarc, Neža (Author), ID Kvas, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Janša-Trontelj, Katja (Comentor), ID Žontar, Tanja (Comentor)

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Uvod: Srčno popuščanje je velik javnozdravstveni problem, katerega incidenca narašča. Etiologija in dejavniki tveganja so večinoma srčno-žilne bolezni, diabetes in debelost. Najpogostejši znaki in simptomi so hitra utrudljivost, težko dihanje, edemi, nočno uriniranje. Bolniki potrebujejo vseživljenjsko individualno prilagojeno obravnavo, kjer ima pomembno vlogo medicinska sestra. Bolezen zahteva vsakodnevno samooskrbo, ki je glavni del uspešnega vodenja bolezni; opredeljena je kot proces odločanja, ki ga bolnik sprejeme za vzdrževanje zdravja in ustrezno odzivanje na simptome. Namen: Namen raziskave je oceniti znanje, način in zmožnost samooskrbe bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem v dveh slovenskih ambulantah za srčno popušanje. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Kot instrument zbiranja podatkov je bil uporabljen anketni vprašalnik, sestavljen iz Nizozemske lestvice znanja o srčnem popuščanju, Evropske vedenjske lestvice samooskrbe, demografskih podatkov ter vprašanj o zdravstveni vzgoji. Anketiranih je bilo 40 bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem v ambulantah za srčno popuščanje. Analiza rezultatov je bila narejena s programom SPSS. Rezultati: Pri Nizozemski lestvici znanja o srčnem popuščanju so anketiranci na 14 vprašanj v več kot 50 % odgovorili pravilno, le eno vprašanje je napačno odgovorjeno v 72,5 %. Pri Evropski vedenjski lestvici samooskrbe so najvišjo povprečno vrednost anketiranci dosegli pri trditvi: Zdravila jemljem, kot imam predpisano: 1,12, najnižjo pa pri trditvi: Vsako leto se cepim proti gripi: 3,5. Največ informacij glede nefaramkološkega zdravljenja so dobili od kardiologa (42,5 %). Kot najbolj primeren način prenosa informacij so navedli individualen pogovor z medicinsko sestro (50 %), večina je menila, da je podajala informacije na razumljiv način – povprečna vrednost: 4,47. Najmanj se jih je strinjalo s trditvijo o prisotnosti svojcev pri procesu učenja – povprečna vrednost: 3,67. Večina navaja, da je bilo pridobljenega znanja med zdravstveno vzgojo dovolj (80 %). Razprava in zaključek: Pridobljeni rezultati kažejo, da je znanje o bolezni dobro: večina anketiranih bolnikov ve, kaj pomeni diagnoza srčno popuščanje in zakaj do njega pride. Največ težav anketiranim predstavlja znanje o telesni vadbi in o omejevanju uživanja tekočin. Največ anketiranih se nestrinjanja z vsakoletnim cepljenjem proti gripi. Menimo, da bi z rezultati dodatnih raziskav, izvedenih na večjem vzorcu ter pred in po procesu zdravstvene vzgoje lahko oblikovali nove programe zdravstvene vzgoje oziroma nadgradili stare. Predlagamo, da se zdravstvena vzgoja izvaja tudi v ambulantni rehabilitaciji.

Keywords:medicinska sestra, zdravstvena vzgoja, poučevanje, učenje, samovodenje bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110260 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5683307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
JARC, Neža, 2019, Ocena zmožnosti samooskrbe bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of self-care capability of patients with heart failure : diploma work
Introduction: Heart failure is a major public health problem with an increasing incidence. The etiology and risk factors are mainly cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. The most common signs and symptoms are rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, edema, night urination. Patients need a life-long individual personalized treatment, where nurses play an important role. Disease require daily self-care, which is a major part of successful management of the disease; it is defined as the decision-making process that patient takes to maintain health and respond appropriately to symptoms. Purpose: The purpose of the research is to evaluate the knowledge, manner and ability of self-care of patients with heart failure in two Slovenian clinics for heart failure. Methods: A descriptive method of work has been used. The research instrument is a survey composed from the Dutch scales knowledge of heart failure, European behavioural self-care scales, demographic informations and questions about health education. Forty patients with heart failure at the heart failure clinics were interviewed. The analysis of the results has been done with the SPSS program. Results: At the Dutch Heart Failure Rating Scale, respondents answered 14 questions and more than 50 % correctly, but only one question answered incorrectly in 72,5 %. At the European Self-Care Behaviour Scale, respondents had the highest mean value in the statement: I take medication as prescribed: 1,12 and the lowest in statement: Every year I get flu shots: 3,5. The Most information reagrding non-pharmacological treatment was obtained from a cardiologist (42,5 %). Individual interview with the nurse (50 %) was cited as the most appropriate way of transmitting information, the fewest agreed with the statement about the presence of relatives in the learning process - average value: 4,47. The fewest agreed with the statement about the presence of relatives in the learning process - average value: 3,67. Most state that sufficient knowledge has been acquired during health education (80 %). Discussion and conclusion: The results show that knowledge of the disease is good: the majority of the patients surveyed know what the diagnosis of heart failure means and why it occurs. Knowledge about exercise and limiting fluid intake is the most difficult for the respondents. Most people surveyed disagree with the annual flu vaccination. We believe that the results of additional research carried out on a larger sample and before and after the health education process could create new health education programs or upgrade old ones. We suggest that health education be provided in outpatient rehabilitation as well.

Keywords:nursing, health education/patient education, learning, teaching, management programme

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