
Neoliberalizacija sistema blaginje Slovenije? Spremljanje sprememb družinskih prejemkov po letu 2008
ID Dernovšek, Tilen (Author), ID Filipovič Hrast, Maša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu se ukvarjam s prepoznavanjem sprememb sistema blaginje Slovenije na področju družinskih prejemkov po letu 2008. Glavni fokus dela je identificiranje sprememb in njihova uspešna kontekstualizacija na podlagi sekundarnega analiziranja primarnih kot sekundarnih virov. Časovni okvir preučevanja primarno zajema začetek svetovne gospodarske krize leta 2008 ter kasnejšega doseganja zadostno predpisane gospodarske rasti v letu 2015. Na podlagi poročil ključnih akterjev in statističnih podatkov na raziskovalnem področju ugotavljam, da so se zakoni vezani na družinske prejemke neoliberalizirali ter manifestirali skozi povečevanje selektivnosti z uvedbo nove socialne zakonodaje v letu 2012. Z uveljavitvijo novih zakonskih okvirov je sistem blaginje na področju družinskih prejemkov bil deležen tudi nekaterih širitvenih posegov, vendar v manjšem številu. Odprava interventnih zakonskih ukrepov je bila celovita, vendar zakasnjena, saj je dosegla svoj učinek v začetku leta 2019 in ne v letu 2015, ko je slovensko gospodarstvo doseglo zadostno gospodarsko rast. Trenutno so v veljavi še vedno nekateri selektivnostni pravni akti, ki so produkt nove socialne zakonodaje v času krize, vendar se jim po drugi strani pridružujejo tudi nekateri širitveni posegi v sistem blaginje.

Keywords:sistem blaginje, družinska politika, družinski prejemki, globalna finančna kriza.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110246 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36446045 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Neoliberalization of the Slovenian welfare system? Following the changes of family cash benefits after 2008
The thesis is based on recognizing the changes of the Slovenian welfare system, particularly family cash benefits after the year 2008. Main focus of the work is to identify the changes and to succesfully contextualize them through secondary analysis of primary aswell as secondary sources. Researched timespan primarily includes the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008 and later achievment of a sufficient economic growth in the year 2015. Based on reports of key social actors and statistical data in the researched field I established, that the laws managing family cash benefits have neoliberalized, which were therefore manifested through increased selectivity with the introduction of a new social legislation in 2012. With a new legal framework the welfare system was also introduced with expansive policies but in a smaller amount. The elimination of interventionary legislation was carried out in it's entirety, but with a delay, since it reached it's full elimination in 2019 and not in 2015, when the Slovenian economy reached a sufficient economic growth. To date legislation still includes some selective legal instruments, which are a product of the new social legislation, although there are also a few welfare expansive laws currently in force.

Keywords:welfare system, family policy, family cash benefits, global financial crisis.

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