
Percepcija rabe podporne tehnologije pri oskrbi oseb z demenco
ID Saksida, Polona (Author), ID Dolničar, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hvalič Touzery, Simona (Comentor)

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Podporne tehnologije so naprave ali sistemi, ki omogočajo osebam (z demenco) bolj kakovostno, varnejše in daljše samostojno življenje v svojem domu. S polstrukturiranimi intervjuji sem ugotavljala percepcijo neformalnih oskrbovalcev oseb z demenco o funkcionalnostih ter prednostih uporabe podporne tehnologije. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako svojci doživljajo potencialni nadzor osebe z demenco, kako menijo, da bi to vplivalo nanje, na odnos med njimi ter kakšni so strahovi, povezani s tehnologijo. Ugotovila sem, da neformalni oskrbovalci vidijo veliko pozitivnih vidikov podporne tehnologije. Predvsem menijo, da bi podporne tehnologije omogočile osebam z demenco bolj varno, pa tudi samostojno življenje doma. Kot ključno prednost podporne tehnologije so izpostavili avtonomnost in neodvisnost osebe z demenco. Intervjuvanci so kot najkoristnejše prepoznali GPS sledilnik, senzorje gibanja, SOS gumb in pametni razdelilnik tablet in luči na senzorje za osebe, ki ponoči tavajo. Menili so, da bi GPS sledilnik zmanjšal njihovo skrb ter poskrbel za večjo varnost oseb z demenco. Intervjuvanci niso izrazili strahov pred rabo pametne tehnologije, saj menijo, da bi ji pričeli ob uporabi zaupati ter bi se o njej tudi predhodno pozanimali. Ocenjujejo, da bi jih pametne tehnologije razbremenile, zmanjšale njihov stres in jim olajšale dnevno oskrbo. Poudarili so, da v nadzoru osebe z demenco ne vidijo etične spornosti, saj želijo samo izboljšati varnost te osebe. Menijo tudi, da osebe z demenco ne bi imele težav s sprejemanjem pametne tehnologije, ker tega ne bi razumele, ali pa zato, ker bi vedele, da je v ospredju njihova varnost.

Keywords:osebe z demenco, podporne tehnologije, neformalni oskrbovalci, funkcionalnosti.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110234 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36445277 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Perception of usefulness of assistive technologies when caring for people with dementia
Assistive technologies are devices or systems that enable people (with dementia) to live longer in their own homes and also improve their quality of life. With halfstructured interviews I researched perception of informal carers regarding functionalities of assistive technologies and their advantages. I also explored how they perceive potential control of people with dementia, how it would affect them, their relationship and the fears related to the potential use of assistive technologies. I discovered that informal carers see a lot of positive aspects that come from using the assistive technologies. They mostly think that the technologies enable people with dementia to lead safer and more independent lives. As a key advantage of technologies they exposed their autonomy and independence. As the most beneficial they listed GPS tracker, movement sensors, SOS button, smart pill dispenserand sensor lights for night wanderers.. They stressed that GPS tracker would improve the safety of the user and lessen their worries. Carers did not express any fear of technology use since they would gain trust in devices and search for information beforehand. Technologies would relieve them from stress and burden of care, subsequently making the daily care easier. They saw no ethical issues regarding the control of their family member, since their only goal is to make them safer. They also did not perceive any problems with acceptance of the technologies, either because people with dementia would not understand the concept or because they would understand their safety comes first.

Keywords:people with dementia, assistive technologies, informal carers, functionalities.

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