
Interactive Architectural Visualizations using Unity
ID JOLEVSKA, TAMARA (Author), ID Zajc, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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With this thesis I will present a way to create an interactive model that will help an architect develop their own similar model interactions using Unity. Collaborating with an architect, I created an interactive model that serves as an example of what Unity is capable of and the many possible outcomes that it provides. In the thesis I present the steps of adding interactions to a static 3D model using features that Unity offers. The result is an interactive architectural walkthrough. The thesis presents alternative ways of using Unity besides developing games. This thesis shows the importance of 3D visualization in architecture and how it can, not only present the building better, but improve its design and functionality by using programs that simulate real situations and provide interactions. The programs create a better perspective of how things would look like before they are built. Using these programs, architects will save time creating a model and evaluating if the model is appropriate for the users' needs. I will use the program Unity that started as a game engine, but has expanded its use with real-life situations such as architectural visualization and walkthrough. I want to demonstrate how easy it is to use this program and how architects can achieve better results for their customers.

Keywords:architecture, interactive model, Unity, 3D visualization
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110153 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Title:Interaktivne arhitekturne vizualizacije v okolju Unity
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen način ustvarjanja interaktivnega modela, ki bo arhitektom pomagal pri pripravi podobnih interakcij z lastnih modelov z uporabo programske opreme Unity. V sodelovanju z arhitektom sem ustvarila interaktivni model, ki služi kot primer prikaza zmožnosti programske opreme Unity z vsemi možnimi izidi, ki jih le-ta ponuja. V diplomski nalogi so prikazani koraki dodajanja interakcij statičnemu 3D modelu in predstavljene značilnosti programske opreme Unity. Rezultat tega je arhitekturni interaktivni sprehod. Prikazana je druga perspektiva uporabe Unity, ne samo kot orodje za razvijanje računalniških iger. Diplomska naloga prikazuje pomembnost 3D vizualizacije in zmožnost ne samo boljše izgradnje, temveč tudi izboljšave oblikovanja in funkcionalnosti z uporabo programske opreme za simulacijo realnih situacij in zagotavljanje interakcij. Programska oprema ustvarja boljšo perspektivo videza zgradb, še preden se te zgradijo. Z uporabo le-te bodo arhitekti prihranili čas pri ustvarjanju modela in pri vrednotenju, če je model primeren za potrebe uporabnika. V diplomski nalogi sem uporabila programsko opremo Unity, ki se je sprva uporabljala kot igralno okolje, vendar se je kasneje obseg funkcionalnosti povečal za uporabo v realnih situacijah, kot so na primer arhitekturna vizualizacija in interaktivni sprehodi. Želim demonstrirati, da je programska oprema enostavna za uporabo in da omogoča arhitektom doseganje boljših rezultatov pri delu s strankami.

Keywords:arhitektura, interaktivni model, Unity, 3D vizualizacija

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