
Konstitutivni vidiki slikarstva skozi legendo
ID Golob, Enea (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Povzetek V diplomskem delu bi se rada poglobila v raziskovanje tehnološke plati slikarstva. Naloge bi se lotila tako, da bi sama izdelala oljne barve, okvirje in platna. S tem si želim pridobiti dela, ki bi bila boljših kvalitet od teh, ki jih premore naš čas. Istočasno bi se posvetila starim tehnikam, kot so mastna in nemastna jajčna tempera, in jih uporabila za podlogo v slikarstvu, preden bi nanje dala oljne barve. Spoznavala bi se z raznimi slikarskimi materiali, ki jih še ne poznam, in jih poskusila v praksi. Motive na osnovi legende o Svetem Juriju bom upodobila še v ilustracijah, ki jih bom ustvarila s pomočjo novodobne tehnologije – računalniške risbe – z računalniškimi programi, kot sta Adobe Photoshop in Illustrator.

Keywords:slikarstvo, slikarski material, slikarske podloge, doma narejeno, oljne barve, pigmenti, računalniška risba, diplomska naloga.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Title:Constitutive aspects of painting throug a legend
Summary In my BA thesis I would like to delve deeper into the technological aspects of painting. I would undertake the task of producing oil paints, frames and canvases with my own hands. In doing so, I aim to obtain paintings that are better in quality. At the same time, I would devote myself to old techniques such as greasy and non-greasy egg tempera and use them as a substrate before applying oil paint. I would also get acquainted with various painting materials which I do not know yet and try them in my practice. The motives, which will be based on the legend of St. George, will also be depicted in the illustrations for a children book. Illustrations will be made with a modern technology known as computer drawing, with computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Keywords:Painting, painting materials, painting substrate, home-made, oil paint, Pigments, computer drawing, BA thesis.

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