
Izdelava embalaže za mobilne telefone
ID Štremfelj, Tjaša (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Embalaža in njena grafična podoba sta zelo pomembna člena pakiranega izdelka. Marsikdaj povezujemo izdelek z njegovim pakiranjem, saj je to prva stvar, ki jo pri nakupu opazimo. Embalaža daje kupcem predstavo o izdelku, podjetju in blagovni znamki, zato mora biti ustrezno načrtovana in oblikovana. Predvsem za nove izdelke na trgu je pomembno, da embalaža pove neko zgodbo in kupca prepriča že na prvi pogled. V diplomskem delu smo se posvetili oblikovanju embalaže za mobilne telefone. Pri izbiranju mobilnega telefona se kupci sicer ne odločajo za nakup na podlagi embalaže, vendar mora biti ta še vedno primerna, zanimiva in privlačna na pogled. Izdelali smo embalažo, ki se razlikuje od preostalih embalaž na trgu, saj je večnamenska in nudi trajnostno uporabo. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je razložen pojem embalaža ter podani opis njenih funkcij, embalažni materiali, tisk in programi, s pomočjo katerih smo pripeljali embalažo do končnega izdelka. Pregledali smo tudi nekaj embalaž mobilnih telefonov, ki so trenutno na trgu. V drugem delu pa smo opredelili metode dela, izbiro materiala, konstruiranje ter oblikovanje embalaže in njene grafične podobe. Najprej smo predstavili idejne skice, nato pa končni izdelek. Najpomembnejša funkcija embalaže, ki smo jo izdelali, je, da lahko spreminja svojo funkcijo iz embalaže za mobilni telefon v stojalo za telefon in zvočnik. S tem smo želeli doseči, da embalaža ostane uporabna tudi po tem, ko izgubi svojo primarno funkcijo. Naša embalaža pripoveduje zgodbo, je zanimiva, vidno se razlikuje od konkurenčnih, njena največja prednost pa je, da se ne zavrže že po prvi uporabi.

Keywords:embalaža, mobilni telefoni, načrtovanje, večnamenska embalaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110105 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Title:Design for mobile packaging
The packaging and its graphic design are very important parts of a packaged product. We often associate the product with its packaging, as it is the first thing that we notice during our purchase. Packaging represents the product, its company and its brand so it must be carefully planned and designed. It is especially important for new products on the market that packaging tells a story and immediately catches the customer’s eye. In this diploma thesis, we concentrated on mobile phone packaging design. When purchasing a new phone, customers do not usually decide to buy the product based on its packaging nevertheless; it should offer an adequate, attractive, interesting and beautiful design. We designed a mobile phone packaging that is different from other packaging on the market because it is multifunctional. In the first part of diploma thesis we described the packaging; all of its features, materials, printing and computer programs that were used to complete our packaging and reach the final product. We also analysed a couple of different mobile phone packaging that are currently present on the market. In the second part of the diploma thesis, we planned and designed our own packaging, defined the working methods and chose the right material for it. After that, we presented initial sketches and then the final product/design. The most important feature of our packaging is that it has the ability to change its functioning from a regular mobile phone packaging to a mobile phone stand and a speaker. Our goal was to create a sustainable and a long-term use of the mobile phone packaging that is useful even after losing its primary function. Our packaging conveys a story, it is attractive, it is different from the rest of the offer on the market, and it is not an expendable/throwaway product.

Keywords:packaging, mobile phones, packaging design, multifunctional packaging

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