
Odstranjevanje nevarnih klorovih spojin iz odpadnih industrijskih vod
ID Selan, Luka (Author), ID Golobič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zupančič, Matevž (Comentor)

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V nalogi je obravnavana membranska filtracija molekul MCPD in DCP iz odpadnih vod, ki nastanejo pri proizvodnji PAE smol z nizko vsebnostjo stranskih klorovih produktov. Izbran postopek filtracije je reverzna osmoza, in sicer z dvema različnima membranama SUEZ AG1812HR in TriSep TurboClean 1812-X20-31. Na laboratorijski filtracijski napravi je bilo izvedenih več filtracijskih ciklov pri različnih tlakih, temperaturah in pretokih vstopnega medija. Učinkovitost filtracije in njeno primernost za vgradnjo v realni industrijski proces smo spremljali na podlagi dveh parametrov: (i) temperaturno korigirane permeabilnosti, ki je neposredno odvisna od merjenih procesnih veličin in (ii) stopnje zadrževanja klorovih komponent, ki je odvisna od koncentracije DCP in MCPD v permeatu in na vstopu. Te koncentracije so bile merjene s pomočjo plinske kromatografije. Ugotovljeno je, da reverzna osmoza zagotavljanje preko 95% stopnjo zadrževanja DCP in MCPD tudi pri vstopnih koncentracijah višjih od 5000 ppm. Hkrati rezultati kažejo, da se po večdnevnih testiranjih filtracijske sposobnosti membran ne zmanjšujejo. Postopek reverzne osmoze ima visok potencial za vgradnjo v realne procesne sisteme. S tem bi zmanjšali porabo vode in količino nevarnih odpadkov ter tako prispevali k večji družbeni odgovornosti in trajnostnem razvoju.

Keywords:reverzna osmoza, DCP, MCPD, membranska filtracija, stopnje zadrževanja, smole, industrijske odpadne vode
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Selan]
Number of pages:XIV, [38] f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110099 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16948251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Removal of dangerous chlorine components from industrial waste-waters
The paper covers membrane filtration of MCPD and DCP molecules from wastewater which is created by production of PAE resins with low content of chlorine by-products. The chosen filtration process is reverse osmosis with two different membranes SUEZ AG1812HR and TriSep TurboClean 1812-X20-31. Several filtration cycles were carried out on the laboratory filtration device at different pressures, temperatures and inlet media flows. The efficiency of filtration and applicability in a real industrial process were monitored on the basis of two parameters: (i) temperature-corrected permeability, which depends directly on the measured quantities of the process, and (ii) the chlorine component retention rate, which depends on the concentration of DCP and MCPD in permeate and at entry. These concentrations were measured by gas chromatography. Reverse osmosis has been found to provide over 95% retention rates for DCP and MCPD even at inlet concentrations higher than 5000 ppm. At the same time, the results show that the filtration capacity of the membranes does not decrease after several days of testing. The reverse osmosis process has a high potential for incorporation into real process systems. This would reduce water consumption and the amount of hazardous waste and thus contribute to greater social responsibility and sustainable development.

Keywords:reverse osmosis, DCP, MCPD, membrane filtration, retention factors, reisins, industrial waste water

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