
Problematika načrtovanja in realizacije magnetno levitacijskega podstavka
ID Jug, Gašper (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko vzpostavitve magnetne levitacije. Delo lahko razdelimo na tri glavne dele. V prvem delu je predstavljena uporaba magnetne levitacije v izdelkih, ki so povprečnemu človeku dokaj blizu in principi njihovega delovanja, ki nam kasneje lahko koristijo pri izdelavi lastnega magnetnega podstavka, ki bo za delovanje izkoriščal magnetno levitacijo. V drugem delu je predstavljena problematika vzpostavitve magnetne levitacije. V tem delu so pojasnjene osnovne lastnosti magnetike, ki jih je treba razumeti, preden se poglobimo v tematiko vzpostavitve magnetne levitacije in problematike, ki ob tem nastane. V zadnjem delu je predstavljen lasten način poizkusa vzpostavitve magnetne levitacije, ki vsebuje elemente prejšnjih dveh delov. V tem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljena zgradba izdelka, delovanje elektronskega vezja in delovanje programskega dela. Kot zaključek celotnega diplomskega dela pa so podane ugotovitve, v katerih so pojasnjena nekatera spoznanja, ki popolnoma nasprotujejo tistim, ki so podana v osnovni zamisli delovanja magnetnega podstavka.

Keywords:magnetna levitacija, magnetne snovi, PID regulacija, operacijski ojačevalniki, tuljave z feromagnetnimi jedri, prehodni pojavi na tuljavi, PWM signal, Hallov sensor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110066 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Title:Problems of designing and realization of magnetically levitating base
The thesis deals with the topic of magnetic levitation. The work can be divided into three main parts. The first part presents the use of magnetic levitation in products that are fairly close to the average person and the principles of their operation, which can later be useful for the manufacture of our own magnetic levitation base. The second part presents the problem of the establishment of magnetic levitation. This section explains the basic properties of magnetics that need to be understood before further delving into the subject of magnetic levitation and the problems that arise. The last section presents our own way of trying to establish magnetic levitation This section contains elements of the previous two parts. This part of the thesis presents the product structure, the operation of the electronic circuit and the operation of the program work. As a conclusion to the whole thesis, the findings are given, which explain some of the findings that completely contradict those given in the basic idea of the operation of the magnetic levitation base.

Keywords:magnetic levitation, magnetic substances, PID control, operational amplifiers, coils with ferromagnetic cores, coil transient phenomena, PWM signal, Hall sensor

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