
Aerobne bakterije v posvečeni vodi katoliških cerkva na širšem območju Ljubljane.
ID Podgrajšek, Vesna (Author), ID Turk, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Posvečena voda igra pomembno vlogo v različnih religijah. Prvič so jo prepoznali kot vir potencialno patogenih mikroorganizmov v Angliji leta 1992. Povezali so jo z okužbami ljudi, ki so jih povzročili Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanii, Escherichia coli in druge enterobakterije. Posvečena voda se v cerkvah nahaja v kropilnikih, ki so običajno ob vhodu v cerkev ter rezervoarjih, ki se nahajajo nekje v cerkvi. Ko verniki vstopijo v cerkev in ko jo zapustijo, pomočijo svoje prste v kropilnik ter s tem vnesejo kožno mikrobioto v posvečeno vodo, nato pa s palcem naredijo križec na čelo, usta in na prsni koš. Iz rezervoarja si lahko verniki posvečeno vodo nalijejo v posodo in jo odnesejo domov. V procesu priprave posvečene vode Katoliška cerkev priporoča dodatek neregulirane količine blagoslovljene soli. Da bi bolje razumeli vpliv dodajanja soli na bakterijsko združbo posvečene vode in potencialno tveganje, ki ga ta voda predstavlja kot vir okužbe s patogenimi mikroorganizmi, smo preučili sestavo aerobne kultivabilne bakterijske združbe v posvečeni vodi iz kropilnikov in rezervoarjev izbranih katoliških cerkva v Ljubljani in okolici. Velik del izolatov so predstavljali predstavniki rodov, ki so tipični za človeško kožno mikrobioto (Acinetobacter, Staphylococcus) in pa vodovodno vodo (Pseudomonas). Izbrane izolate smo testirali na odpornost proti antibiotikom. V preiskovanih cerkvah soli ne dodajajo ali je dodatek premajhen za preprečevanje mikrobne kontaminacije posvečene vode. Potrebno bi bilo uvesti ustrezne higienske ukrepe, kot sta redna menjava vode in temeljito čiščenje kropilnikov.

Keywords:posvečena/blagoslovljena voda, kropilnik, rezervoar, bakterije, odpornost proti antibiotikom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110046 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538418371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Aerobic bacteria in holy water samples from catholic churches in Slovenia
Holy water plays an important role in different religions. It was first recognized as a source of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in England in 1992. It has been associated with human infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanii, Escherichia coli and other enterobacteria. Holy water is kept in churches in the fonts, which are usually located at the entrance to the church and in reservoirs located somewhere in the church. When believers enter and leave the church, they wet their fingers in the font introducing a skin microbiota into the holy water and with their thumb they make a cross on their forehead, mouth and chest. Believers can pour holy water into a container and take it home. In order to better understand the impact of salt addition on the bacterial community and the potential risk posed by this water as a source of infection with pathogenic microorganisms, we examined the composition of cultivable aerobic bacterial community in holy water from the fonts and reservoirs of selected Catholic churches in and around Ljubljana. Large part of the isolates were genera typical of human skin microbiota (Acinetobacter, Staphylococcus) and tap water (Pseudomonas). Selected isolates were also tested for antibiotic resistance. In the studied churches, salt in not added or the addition of salt is too small to prevent the microbial contamination of holy water. Appropriate hygiene measures such as regular water exchange and thorough cleaning of fonts should be introduced.

Keywords:holy water, holy water font, reservoir, bacteria, antibiotic resistance

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