
Slovenske društvene knjižnice na prelomu stoletja: 1890 - 1914
ID Berce, Katarina (Author), ID Kodrič-Dačić, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Knjižnice, ki so jih na prelomu stoletja vodila in ustanovila različna društva, imajo velik pomen za zgodovino našega knjižničarstva, saj je veliko teh knjižnic kasneje preraslo v današnje splošne knjižnice. V nalogi sem poskušala predstaviti te knjižnice in vsebino njihovih fondov ter povezati to vsebino z mnenji o knjižnicah, ki so jih imeli njihovi ustanovitelji. Za potrebe zastavljenih ciljev sem pregledala literaturo, ki govori o društvenih knjižnicah na prelomu stoletja, prav tako pa sem pod drobnogled vzela tri take knjižnice, ki so delovale v tem obdobju – Knjižnico Narodne čitalnice v Škofji Loki, Simon Gregorčičevo javno ljudsko knjižnico v Ljubljani in Javno ljudsko knjižnico Gospodarskega naprednega društva za šentjakobski okraj v Ljubljani, kar pomeni, da sem pregledala njihove kataloge in jih primerjala tako med seboj kot s priporočilnima seznamoma literature, ki sta ju sestavili takrat prevladujoči politični strani: liberalno in klerikalno usmerjena. Raziskava je pokazala, da so imele velik vpliv pri ustanavljanju društvenih knjižnic čitalnice, čeprav te niso bile edina društva, ki so ustanavljala knjižnice. Knjižnice so bile v veliki večini naročene na knjige Mohorjeve družbe in Slovenske matice, pomembne pa so bile tudi zbirke periodike v teh knjižnicah. Ob primerjavi s priporočilnima seznamoma ni bilo ugotovljenih veliko razlik med knjižnicami v izbiranju knjig z enega ali drugega seznama.

Keywords:društvene knjižnice, prelom stoletja, 1890–1914, društveno življenje, društva, liberalni tabor, klerikalni tabor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110040 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Libraries of Slovenian Societies at the Turn of the Century: 1890 - 1914
Libraries founded and lead by the societies at the turn of the century are greatly meaningful for our librarianship as many of them grew into public libraries of today. In my master’s degree thesis I tried to present these libraries and the content of their collections as well as link that with the view of the libraries their founders had. To reach those goals I studied the literature on societal libraries at the turn of the century, as well as scrutinised three such libraries that functioned in that time period. Those libraries were the following: The Library of the National »Reading Room« in Škofja Loka (Knjižnica Narodne čitalnice v Škofji Loki), Simon Gregorčič's Public People's Library in Ljubljana (Simon Gregorčičeva javna ljudska knjižnica v Ljubljani), and The Public People's Library of the Economic and Progress Society fort Šentjakob District of Ljubljana (Javna ljudska knjižnica Gospodarskega naprednega društva za šentjakobski okraj v Ljubljani). I examined their catalogues and compared them among themselves as well as with the lists of the proposed literature compiled by the two leading political options in that time: the liberal orientated and the clerical orientated one. Research showed that so called »reading rooms« had great influence when it came to founding libraries although they were not the only type of societies that founded libraries. Many libraries subscribed to books published by Mohorjeva družba and Slovenska Matica, although collections periodicals in these libraries were also important. No significant differences in selecting books were found when it comes to comparing the content of the catalogues with the lists of proposed literature.

Keywords:societal libraries, turn of the century, 1890 – 1914, societal life, societies, liberal view politics, clerical view politics

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