
Strukturni model odnosov med medosebnimi kompetencami, odnosi do posmeha in šaljenja ter pozitivnimi medosebnimi odnosi
ID Vratanar, Bor (Author), ID Komidar, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen raziskave je bil preveriti mediatorsko vlogo odnosov do posmeha in šaljenja med medosebnimi kompetencami in pozitivnimi medosebnimi odnosi. Na priložnostnem vzorcu 476 udeležencev sem uporabil vprašalnik o odnosih do posmeha in šaljenja PhoPhiKat-45, vprašalnik empatije IRI (lestvici zavzemanje perspektive in empatična skrb), vprašalnik socialne inteligentnosti TSIS in vprašalnik psihološkega blagostanja RPWB (lestvica pozitivni medosebni odnosi). Prileganje modela sem preveril s strukturnim modeliranjem in na podlagi rezultatov obdržal model delne mediacije. V raziskavi sem zavrnil hipotezo, da lahko z odnosi do posemeha in šaljenja mediiramo povezanost med medosebnimi kompetencami in pozitivnimi medosebnimi odnosi. Model delne mediacije ima zato bolj šibko empirično podporo, čeprav lahko z njim relativno dobro pojasnimo vhodne podatke. Ugotovil sem, da je socialna inteligentnost ključen napovednik odnosov do posmeha in šaljenja. Rezultati nudijo podporo hipotezi, da je socialna inteligentnost orodje, ki ga lahko posameznik uporablja v prosocialne (adaptivni humor) ali antisocialne namene (neadaptivni oz. agresivni humor). V nasprotju s pričakovanji sem ugotovil, da se gelotofobija (strah pred posmehom) pozitivno povezuje s procesiranjem socialnih informacij, kar bi lahko pomenilo, da gelotofobisti ločijo posmeh od smeha. Bistveno vlogo pri napovedovanju pozitivnih medosebnih odnosov imajo socialne veščine, medtem ko je vpliv odnosov do posmeha in šaljenja zanemarljiv, kar postavlja humor v novo perspektivo. Zaradi nizke veljavnosti notranje strukture vprašalnika TSIS je potrebno vprašalnik revidirati in zaključke študije validirati na drugem vzorcu.

Keywords:humor, socialne veščine, empatija, zadovoljstvo z odnosi, strukturno modeliranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Title:Structural relationships between interpersonal competencies, dispositions towards laughter and ridicule, and positive relations
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediator effects of dispositions towards laughter and ridicule between interpersonal competencies and positive relations. The study included a convenience sample of 476 participants who completed the following questionnaires: Dispositions towards laughter and ridicule PhoPhiKat-45, Interpersonal Reactivity Index IRI (perspective taking and empathy scales), Tromso Social Intelligence Scale TSIS and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales RPWB (positive relations scale). Results of the structural equation modelling showed that the partially mediated model fits the data better than the fully mediated model. In addition, I discovered no support for the mediation role of dispositions towards laughter and ridicule in the partially mediated model. The partially mediated model therefore lacked empirical support. Results supported the hypothesis that social intelligence is a tool, which may be used for both prosocial (adaptive humour) and antisocial purposes (maladaptive humor). Contrary to my expectations, the relationship between social information processing and gelotophobia is positive, which could indicate that people with excessive fear of being laughed at can perhaps distinguish between laughter and ridicule. Furthermore, social skills were the only statistically significant predictor of positive relations in the model. Dispositions towards laugther and ridicule had negligible role in predicting positive relations. To sum up, previous studies may have overstated the effect humor has on the quality of interpersonal relationships. However, my conclusions are limited because of the poor internal structure validity of the TSIS. Further studies are needed to validate my findings.

Keywords:humor, social skills, empathy, relationship satisfaction, structural equation modeling

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