
Vplivi hidroelektrarn na okolje na primeru Hidroelektrarne Brežice
ID Medvešček Rovan, Teja (Author), ID Vintar Mally, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kljub temu da je hidroenergija obnovljivi vir energije, imajo hidroelektrarne poleg pozitivnih tudi negativne učinke na okolje. Gre za vplive na ekosisteme, biotsko raznovrstnost, rabo tal, vodne režime, kemijske lastnosti in temperaturo voda, gladino podtalnice, poplave, erozijo, prst, relief, evaporacijo, mikroklimo, potresno ogroženost in sedimentacijo. V zaključni seminarski nalogi sem se osredotočila predvsem na spremembo rabe tal in biotske raznovrstnosti na območju Hidroelektrarne Brežice. Vpliv na rabo tal sem primerjala tudi z vplivom pri Hidroelektrarni Krško. Z GIS-analizo sem ugotovila, da so se na območju HE Brežice močno povečale vodne površine zaradi razširitve struge ter pozidane površine zaradi gradnje jezu, zgradbe hidroelektrarne in roba akumulacijskega bazena. Zmanjšali pa so se predvsem njivska zemljišča, plantaže gozdnega drevja in trajni travniki. Zaradi lege na Brežiškem polju je akumulacijsko jezero Hidroelektrarne Brežice veliko večje od akumulacijskega jezera Hidroelektrarne Krško, ki je v ožji dolini Save, kjer ni bilo veliko prostora za širjenje rečne struge. Zato so tudi vplivi Hidroelektrarne Krško na okolje manjši od vplivov Hidroelektrarne Brežice. Vpliv Hidroelektrarne Brežice na biotsko raznovrstnost je pomemben zato, ker se na območju nahajajo raznovrstni habitati. Nekateri so zaščiteni. Ob gradnji hidroelektrarne je bilo urejenih več nadomestnih habitatov. Ključni ekosistem na območju Hidroelektrarne Brežice so suha travišča, ki so pomembna rastišča kukavičevk.

Keywords:hidroenergija, hidroelektrarne, obnovljivi viri energije, reke, Brežice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110004 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Environmental Impacts of Hydroelectric Power Plants in the Case of the Brežice Hydroelectric Power Plant
Despite hydropower being a renewable energy source, hydroelectric power plants have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. These include changes in the ecosystem, biodiversity, land use, water regimes, chemical properties of the water, water temperature, groundwater level, flooding, erosion, soil, terrain, evaporation, microclimate, seismic hazard and sedimentation. In my final seminar paper, I focused mainly on land use and biodiversity changes in the area surrounding the Brežice hydroelectric power plant. I also compared the land use impacts with the impacts in the area surrounding the Krško hydroelectric power plant. GIS analysis showed that in the case of Brežice, water surface area had greatly increased because of the widening of the river bed and the surface of the urban area had increased because of the dam, power plant building and edge of the reservoir. On the other hand, the surface areas of agricultural land, forest tree plantation and perpetual meadow decreased. Located on the Brežice field, this hydroelectric plant’s reservoir is much larger than the one at Krško, which is in a narrower part of the Sava valley, meaning there was not much space for river bed widening. Therefore, environmental impacts of the Krško power plant are smaller than the impacts of the one near Brežice. The latter’s impacts on biodiversity are important because numerous different habitats are located near it. Some are protected. Multiple substitution habitats have been created. Key ecosystems in this area are dry meadows, where orchids grow.

Keywords:hydroelectric energy, hydroelectric power plants, renewable energy resources, rivers, Brežice

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