
Pridelava zelenjave v samooskrbnem hidroponskem sistemu
ID Jurič, Živa (Author), ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu bo predstavljen samooskrben hidroponski sistem za gojenje različnih vrst zelenjave, v domačem, notranjem okolju. Za hidroponsko gojenje zelenjave se uporabljajo različne tehnike, ki so se razvile za gojenje listnate zelenjave, kakor tudi gojenje plodovk. To so NFT sistem, aeroponika, akvaponika in različni agregatni sistemi. Tovrstni načini pridelave postajajo vse bolj priljubljeni pri tržnih pridelovalcih zelenjave, kjer so sistemi postavljeni v rastlinjakih, prav tako pa se razvijajo manjši sistemi za gojenje zelenjadnic v zaprtih prostorih (kuhinjah, restavracijah, trgovinah), ki so običajno samooskrbni z vodo, hranili in svetlobo. Pozitivne lastnosti takšnega sistema so predvsem skrajšana rastna doba rastlin, manjša poraba prostora, avtomatizacija naprave, neprekinjeno gojenje preko celega leta, sistemi služijo lahko tudi kot dekoracija. Prav zaradi teh lastnosti si lahko vsakdo pridela svojo zelenjavo brez vrta, kar v stanovanju ali na balkonu. Avtomatizacija sistema ponuja potrošniku enostaven nadzor rastnih razmer, predvsem svetlobe, vode in hranil. Za gojenje je primerna predvsem listna zelenjava, kalice, drobnoploden paradižnik, feferoni in različne vrste zelišč. V diplomskem delu bodo podrobno opisane rastne razmere, ki so potrebne za uspešno in hitro rast omenjenih vrst zelenjave. Poudarek bo na opisu kakovosti in jakosti svetlobe, temperaturnih razmer, sestave hranilne raztopine ter primernosti substratov za gojenje. Tovrstni samooskrbni sistemi gojenja zelenjadnic so že razviti in tržno zanimivi, vsekakor pa bo njihova uporaba in tovrsten način gojenja zelenjave postal v prihodnosti, zlasti v mestih, zaželena oprema v marsikaterem gospodinjstvu.

Keywords:hidroponika, hidroponski sistemi, rastne razmere, avtomatizirane hidroponske naprave, samooskrbni hidroponski sistem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Breeding vegetables in self-controlled hydroponic system
In this thesis, the selfcontroled hydroponic system, for indoor cultivation of vegetable will be presented. Hydroponics is a soilless system which has developed for growing leafy vegetables and as well as vegetables with fruit. Different techniques are developed: NFT system, aeroponics, aquaponics and different systems with substrates. Such methods of production are becoming more and more popular at a vegetable marketers, where they are placed in greenhouses, as well as a smaller systems for growing vegetables in indoor areas (kitchens, restaurants, shops), which are usually self-sufficient with water, nutrients, and light. The main positive features of such systems are in shorter growing period, less use of space, automation of the system and that vegetables can grow during the whole year. Because of these characteristics, everyone can have their own vegetables without a garden, either in the apartment or on the balcony. Automation of the system offers consumers easy control of growing conditions, especially light, water and nutrients. Such self-controlled vegetable growing systems are already developed and popular and their use will become in the future, especially in cities, desirable equipment in many households. The self-controlled system is appropriate for cultivation of leafy vegetables, microgreens, seedlings, small fruit tomatoes, pepperoni and different types of herbs. This diploma will be focused on the growing conditions that are necessary for successful and fast-growth vegetables. The most important conditions like quality and light intensity, temperature, nutrient solution compositions and the suitability of substrates for cultivation will be described.

Keywords:hidroponic, growth conditions, selfcontroled hydroponic system, automated hydroponic system

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