
Verbalno nasilje nad otroki in odraslimi v vrtcu
ID Oman, Katja (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nasilje se dogaja povsod po svetu, a o tem še vedno ne govorimo veliko. Verbalno nasilje je ena izmed oblik nasilja. Večina ljudi se ne zaveda, da lahko že ena žaljiva beseda nekomu zaznamuje življenje. Vse, kar se dogaja človeku v obdobju otroštva, lahko zelo vpliva na njeno oz. njegovo prihodnost, zato je pomembno, da otroke vzgajamo v ustreznem vzgojnem slogu, spodbujamo pozitivno in nenasilno komunikacijo ter jih naučimo ustreznega soočanja s problemi. Pri vzgoji otrok ima pomembno vlogo tudi vrtec, v katerem pa se prav tako velikokrat pojavljajo različne oblike verbalnega nasilja med otroki, med vzgojitelji in otroki ter tudi med zaposlenimi. Veliko primerov (ne le verbalnega) nasilja ostane neopaženih in zamolčanih. V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala, kakšna so mnenja vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov vzgojitelja o tem, katera ravnanja so verbalno nasilje, kdo so največkrat povzročitelji in žrtve pri verbalno nasilnih dejanjih med otroki, katere so najpogostejše oblike verbalnega nasilja odraslih nad otroki, med otroki ter med zaposlenimi. Med drugim sem ugotovila, da obstajajo razlike v mnenjih in izkušnjah vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov vzgojitelja o verbalnem nasilju v vrtcu glede tega, ali so zaposleni v zasebnem ali javnem vrtcu ter glede na dolžino njihove delovne dobe.

Keywords:verbalno nasilje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109958 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12572745 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Verbal violence against children and adults in kindergarten
Violence happens everywhere in the world, but people still don's talk much about it. Verbal violence is one of the types of violence. Most people are not aware that even one offensive word can mark someone's life . Everything that happens to a human during a childhood can effect his or her future. Therefore it is important that we raise children in the proper way and that we encourage a positive and non-violent communication and teach them the proper way to deal with problems. Kindergarten has an important role to educate children. However, verbal violence also appears very often among the children, between the teachers and the children and between the employees in kindergarten. Unfortunately there are many times that verbal violence remains not noticed and not told. In the diploma, we try to find out what are the opinions of the kindergarten teachers about what verbal violence is, who most often cause verbal violence and who are most often the victims among children, what are the most common types of verbal violence between adults and children, between children and between employees. We also discovered that there are different opinions and experiences about the verbal violence in kindergartens between employees in the private or the public kindergarten and between employees with different length of the working experiences.

Keywords:verbal violence

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