
ID MIHELIČ, KRISTJAN (Author), ID Pečarič, Mirko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družinski prejemki so nekakšna finančna pomoč staršem pri kritju stroškov otrok. Te porabijo za šolske potrebščine, hrano, oblačila ali kar koli drugega, kar otrok takrat potrebuje. Starši pa lahko pridobijo družinske prejemke tudi v materialni obliki, če center za socialno delo oceni, da denar ne bo namenjen v predviden namen. Med družinske prejemke spadajo: starševski dodatek, pomoč ob rojstvu otroka, otroški dodatek, dodatek za veliko družino, dodatek za nego otroka ter delno plačilo za izgubljeni dohodek. Namen diplomske naloge je analiza pogojev, ki so potrebni za pridobitev posameznega družinskega prejemka. Vse to je opredeljeno v Zakonu o uveljavljanju pravic iz javnih sredstev, nadomestno se poleg uporablja tudi Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku. Uporabil sem deskriptivno metodo pri raziskovanju literature, saj gre za analizo procesov, postopkov in dejstev, metodo kompilacije, ker sem povzemal dejstva in stališča ter teoretično primerjalno metodo. V okviru raziskovanja hipotez sem ugotovil, da rast minimalne plače ni povzročila, da starši presegajo cenzus za pridobitev družinskih prejemkov, da starša, ki prejemata minimalno plačo nimata nižjih dohodkov kot starša, ki sta brezposelna in sta prijavljena na Zavodu za zaposlovanje ter ne nazadnje, da je res eden najtežje določljivih pogojev za pridobitev družinskih prejemkov, ravno določitev števila družinskih članov.

Keywords:družinski prejemki, družina, družinska politika, postopek pridobitve družinskih prejemkov, ZUPJS, ZSDP
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109922 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2019
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Secondary language

Family benefits are some kind of financial support for parents to cover the costs of children. They are used for school supplies, food, clothing, or anything else that the child needs. Parents, however, can receive family benefits even in material form if the social work center estimates that money will not be allocated for the intended purpose. Family benefits include: parental allowance, childbirth allowance, child allowance, family allowance, childcare allowance, and partial pay for lost income. The purpose of the diploma work is to analyze the conditions necessary for the acquisition of individual family benefits. All this is defined in the Law on the exercise of rights from public funds, and in addition, the General Administrative Procedure Act is additionally applied. I have used a descriptive method in literature research, as it is an analysis of processes and facts, the method of compilation, because I summarized facts and points of view and the theoretical comparative method. In the context of the research hypothesis, I found that the growth of the minimum wage did not lead to parents exceeding the census of obtaining family benefits, that parents who receive the minimum wage do not have lower incomes than parents who are unemployed and are registered at the Employment Service, and lastly , that it is indeed one of the most difficult conditions for acquiring family benefits, namely the determination of the number of family members.

Keywords:family benefits, family, family policy, family acquisition procedure, Law on the exercise of rights from public funds, Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act

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