
ID Mlekuž, Urška (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V socialnem delu se glede na situacije, ki pri posamezniku sprožajo stiske, srečujemo z različnimi skupinami uporabnikov. Ena izmed njih so tudi stari ljudje, ki predstavljajo pomembno skupino oziroma delež v družbi. Staranje prebivalstva družbo postavlja pred številne izzive na makro političnem, gospodarskem in socialnem nivoju in na ravni posameznika, kateremu je potrebno zagotoviti ustrezno oskrbo in dostojanstveno staranje, naj si bo to v lastnem okolju ali v instituciji. Socialno delo ima pomembno vlogo, da sledi tem spremembam v družbi, da razvija potrebne inovacije in se z njimi odziva na družbe pojave. Ljudje z intelektualnimi ovirami so že sami po sebi specifična skupina ljudi, katerih obravnava in delo z njimi zahteva posebna znanja in spretnosti. Staranje te populacije pa je dokaj neraziskano področje, ki z vidika strokovnega dela odpira številna vprašanja. Svojo nalogo sem posvetila starim ljudem z intelektualnimi ovirami. Nalogo sem usmerila na raziskovanje izzivov povezanih s staranjem omenjene populacije, s katerimi se srečujejo VDC in CUDV v okviru izvajanja socialnovarstvenih storitev, zlasti v okviru storitve institucionalnega varstva. Negovalno osebje, skrbniki in sorodniki so najpogosteje tisti, ki se prvi srečujejo z »novo« geriatrično populacijo, pri čemer pa naletijo na številna vprašanja, kako postopati v posameznih situacijah. Le tako, da bomo poznali značilnosti staranja teh ljudi in razumeli specifiko njihovih problemov, bomo lahko razvili ustrezne pristope in se usposobili za najustreznejše individualno prilagojene oblike pomoči staremu človeku z intelektualno oviranostjo. Pri tem je pomembno, da tudi pri starih ljudeh z intelektualnimi ovirami skrbimo za to, da čim dlje ohranijo neodvisnost in samostojnost. Za to temo raziskave sem se odločila iz dveh razlogov. Prvič, ker sem poklicno vpeta v delo z ljudmi z intelektualnimi ovirami, drugič pa zaradi številni izzivov povezanih s staranjem te populacije. Z raziskavo sem želela odgovoriti vsaj na nekatera aktualna vprašanja. Predvsem me je zanimalo, kako v okviru organizirane družbene skrbi v čim večji meri upoštevati in slediti potrebam starih ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami. Torej potrebam, ki izhajajo tako iz duševne motnje kot tudi potrebam, ki so posledica procesa staranja. S svojo raziskavo sem želela prispevati vsaj delček odgovorov na to, kdo so stari ljudje z intelektualnimi ovirami, ali se njihove potrebe na splošno takšne kot pri ostali starajoči populaciji, se morda razlikujejo in so v čem specifične. V svoji nalogi sem poskušala zaobjeti obstoječa teoretična in praktična znanja s področja staranja ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami. V empiričnem delu sem opravila dve raziskavi. Prvo sem izvedla z vidika uporabniške perspektive. Ugotoviti sem želela, kakšna stališča in odnos imajo uporabniki do starosti in staranja, predvsem pa me je zanimalo, kje in kako bi si želeli preživeti svojo starost. V drugi raziskavi sem poskušala s strani VDC-jev in CUDV-jev, ki izvajajo storitve namenjene odraslim ljudem z intelektualnimi ovirami, ugotoviti, kako zaznavajo pojav staranja ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami. Poskušala sem identificirati konkretne potrebe, ki jih v okviru izvajanja storitev prepoznavajo pri delu s starimi ljudmi, načine odzivanja in prilagajanja nanje, pristope in metode, ki jih v svoji vsakdanji praksi uporabljajo. S pomočjo njihovih mnenj in primerov dobrih praks sem oblikovala nabor predlogov in možnih sprememb tudi za nadaljnji razvoj dolgotrajne oskrbe na tem področju

Keywords:ljudje z intelektualnimi ovirami, staranje, institucionalno varstvo, bivalne skupnosti, življenje v skupnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109917 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2019
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In social work we encounter different groups of users in terms of situations that trigger distress, one of which are the elderly. With persistent ageing of the population they represent an important part of society. The ageing of the population presents a number of challenges to society, both on macro political, economic and social levels, as well as on the individual level. It is necessary to provide appropriate care and dignified ageing to individuals, be it in their own environment or in an institution. Social work plays an important role in following the societal changes in order to develop the necessary innovations with which to respond to society's phenomena. People with intellectual disabilities are a specific group of people, whose treatment and care require specific skills. The ageing of this population is a fairly unexplored area that raises a number of questions from the perspective of professional work. I have dedicated my thesis to older people with intellectual disabilities. I have focused on exploring the challenges associated with the ageing of the said population, faced by VDC and CUDV in the context of the implementation of social protection services, particulary in the context of institutional care services. Nursing staff, caregivers and relatives are usually the first to meet the "new" geriatric population and that is when they encounter a number of questions on how to proceed in specific situations. The only way to develop appropriate approaches and train for the most suitable individually tailored forms of assistance is to be aware of the characteristics of the ageing of these people and understand the specifics of their problems. It is important that we ensure that older people with intellectual disabilities maintain their independence and autonomy as long as possible. I have decided for this research topic for two reasons. Firstly, I have been professionally involved in working with people with intellectual disabilities, and secondly, there are many challenges associated with the ageing of this population. With my research I wanted to find answers to some current questions. I was particularly interested in how to maximise the respect and keep track of the needs of older people with intellectual disabilities in the context of organised social care settings. With this I mean the needs arising from both mental disorders, as well as the needs that result from the aging process. With my research I wanted to contribute at least a fraction of the answers about who older people with intellectual disabilities are, if their needs are generally like the needs of the rest of the ageing population, or if they are perhaps different or more specific. In my thesis I have endeavoured to encompass the existing theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of ageing people with intellectual disabilities. In the empirical part I have conducted two surveys. I conducted the first one in terms of the user perspective. I wanted to find out what kind of attitudes people have towards age and ageing, moreover, I wanted to determine where and how they would want to spend their old age. With the second survey I tried to find out how the aging of people with intellectual disabilities is perceived from the perspective of VDC and the CUDV. I have tried to identify the concrete needs these institutions while working with older people in the context of the provision of services, methods of response and adaptation, approaches and methods used in their daily practices. With the help of their opinions and examples of good practices, I have devised a set of proposals and possible changes to further develop long-term care in this area.

Keywords:People with intellectual disabilities, institutional care, ageing, residential settings, community living

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