
Strategije usklajevanja družinskega življenja in študijskih obveznosti študentov staršev
ID Komac, Ajda (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V teoretičnem uvodu so predstavljeni osnovni pojmi, ki definirajo študentsko družino in določajo njen socialni položaj. Raziskala sem tudi že obstoječo literaturo, ki obravnava usklajevanje družinskega življenja in študijskih obveznosti študentov staršev. Zanimale so me strategije, ki jih študenti starši uporabljajo za usklajevanje študijskih obveznosti in družinskega življenja. V raziskovalnem delu sem predstavila kvalitativno raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla med študenti starši v Sloveniji. Opravila sem 7 intervjujev, z 9 sogovorniki. Zanimalo me je, kakšne strategije usklajevanja imajo študenti starši v Sloveniji in kako se soočajo z izzivi, ki jih srečujejo pri študiju ali družinskem življenju. Ugotovila sem, da je usklajevanje študija in starševstva študentov staršev odvisno predvsem od podpore, ki jo imajo v akademskem okolju, in od podpore s strani socialne mreže. Fakulteti študentom staršem, ki imajo socialno mrežo, ki jim pomaga, pri usklajevanju vloge študenta in vloge starša ni treba pomagati v tolikšni meri. Tistim, ki nimajo dovolj podpore socialne mreže, morajo fakultete in druge institucije nuditi večjo podporo.

Keywords:študenti starši, študentska družina, študenti, družina, strategije usklajevanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109910 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Student Parents' Coordination Strategies of Family Life and Academic Responsibilities
In the theoretical part of the thesis there is a list of definitions of the term student family that provides an insight on its social situation, as well. In addition, it contains an overview of the existing literature on juggling family life and academic responsibilities of student parents. The research is based as to reveal the student parents' methods to coordinate their lives as a student and a parent. For the purposes of this thesis, a qualitative research was carried out in a form of an interview with student parents in Slovenia. There were 7 interviews with 9 people, altogether. The interview was focusing on determining which strategies student parents develop for coordinating family and student lives and which challenges they encounter in the process. The results revealed that the coordination of studies and parenthood depends mainly on the degree of the support student parents receive from academic institutions and their social networks. Student parents with a stronger support from their social network do not need the same amount of support from academic institutions in coordinating their student and family lives as do student parents that do not receive enough support from their social network.

Keywords:student parents, student family, students, family, coordination strategies

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