
Supervizija kot orodje za osebnostni razvoj in profesionalni razvoj
ID Cukor, Monika (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prvem delu diplomske naloge predstavim supervizijsko metodo, njene značilnosti in cilje, opredelim vrste supervizije in pojasnim kdo sta supervizor in supervizant. Glavni namen prvega dela je orisati supervizijo kot metodo, da lahko vsak razume o čem je napisano diplomsko delo. Že sam teoretski del je napisan stopnjevalno, začne se z osnovami na katerih se gradi znanje o superviziji in se zaključi pri glavni temi diplomskega dela - osebnostnemu in profesionalnemu razvoju, kateremu se natančneje posvetim, saj se dogaja skozi supervizijski proces. V drugem delu diplomske naloge opišem raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla s pomočjo evalvacijskih poročil supervizantov, katera so z menoj delili nekateri supervizorji, ki so se odločili sodelovati z menoj pri raziskavi. S pomočjo raziskave ugotovim na kakšen način supervizantje ocenjujejo doprinos supervizije v njihov razvoj, ali je učinek supervizije na človeka zgolj pozitiven, ali supervizija služi razvoju na osebnem in strokovnem področju, ali supervizija pripomore k izboljšanju odnosov med zaposlenimi, ali služi kot orodje za razbremenitev in se prek nje naučimo delati s stresom. Posvetila sem se raziskovanju odziva supervizantov na supervizijo preko njihovih besed, opisov in doživljanj, saj iz tovrstnih informacij najbolj živo vidimo ali ima supervizija smisel neposredno za supervizante, saj večinoma beremo posredne informacije iz raziskav. V zadnjem delu naloge opredelim sklepe, ki sledijo moji raziskavi, predlogi pa opredeljujejo moja mnenja o tem kaj mislim, da bi bilo smiselno storiti v prihodnosti, da bi se supervizija razvijala in širila v stroki socialnega dela in v druge stroke, katerim bi lahko pripomogla. Diplomsko delo je zastavljeno tako, da ga lahko vzame v roke nekdo, ki se še ni spoznal s supervizijo in se skozi branje prvega dela spozna s teoretičnim delom supervizijskega procesa, njegovimi procesi in značilnostmi, vlogo udeleženih in cilji supervizije. V drugem delu pa na praktičnem primeru spozna mnenje supervizantov o supervizijskem procesu in njegovem doprinosu v njihova življenja. Diplomsko delo je napisano tudi z idejo, da služi kot začetek globjega raziskovanja supervizije v Sloveniji z namenom, da bi odkrili kako jo lahko nadalje razvijamo v koraku z razvojem družbe, da odkrijemo resnične potrebe udeležencev v supervizji ter procese s tem izboljšamo in skozi njih odkrivamo na katerih področjih nam znanja primanjkuje. Literatura v slovenskem jeziku je omejena in bi jo bilo potrebno osvežiti z novejšimi dognanji, zato sem svoje diplomsko delo zastavila kot začetek nadaljnjega raziskovanja supervizije v Sloveniji. V predlogih diplomskega dela predlagam ustanovitev centra za supervizijo, ki bi služil kot glavni organ za razvoj supervizije ter mesto kjer bi ljudje, ki bi imeli interes pridobili vse potrebne podatke, da se supervizije lahko udeležijo. En izmed glavnih namenov centra bi bila možnost izvajanje supervizije na centru, kar bi preprečilo stalno menjavanje prostorov in s tem motenje supervizijskega procesa in skupinske dinamike. Moje diplomsko delo naj supervizijo približa vsem, ki se z njo še niso spoznali ali jo poznajo zgolj bežno in jim predstavi vse njene pozitivne lastnosti in resnično vrednost po mnenju ljudi, ki so bili udeleženi v superviziji. S tem upam, da supervizija najde svojo pot tudi v druge poklice, ki nudijo pomoč ljudem in pripomore k mentalnemu in fizičnemu zdravju vseh udeležencev, k lažji izvedbi njihovega dela in k razvoju vseh poklicev, katerih se bo supervizija dotaknila.

Keywords:supervizorji, socialno delo, Socialna zbornica Slovenije, supervizijska vprašanja, koncepti, podpora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109900 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Supervision as a tool of personal and professional development
In the first part of my graduation thesis, I present the supervisory method, its characteristics and goals, define the types of supervision and clarify who the supervisor and the supervisee are. The main purpose of the first part is to outline supervision as a method so that everyone can understand what the graduation thesis is written about. The theoretical part is written in a tentative way, starting with the basics on which the knowledge about supervision is being built, and it ends with the main theme of the graduation thesis - personal and professional development, to which I dedicate more precisely as it happens through the supervision process. In the second part of my graduation thesis, I describe the research I carried out with the help of supervisory evaluation reports, which were shared with me by some supervisors who decided to cooperate with me in the research. Using the research, I was able to determine how the supervisors assess the contribution of supervision to their development, whether the effect of supervision on human beings is only positive, whether supervision serves the development in the personal and professional field, whether supervision helps to improve relationships between employees, or serves as a tool for relieving and learn through it to work with stress. I devoted myself to researching supervisees' responses to supervision through their words, descriptions and experiences, because from this kind of information, we can see the most vividly whether supervision has a sense directly for supervisees, as we mainly read the indirect research information. In the final part of the assignment, I define the conclusions that follows my research, and the proposals define my opinions on what I think would be sensible to do in the future, for supervision to develop and expand in the field of social work and other professions which it could contribute to. The graduation thesis is set up so that one can take it into the hands who has not yet met with supervision and is acquainted with the theoretical part of the supervisory process, its processes and characteristics, the role of the participants and the goals of supervision through the reading of the first part. In the second part, in the practical case, he learns the supervisees' opinion on the supervisory process and his contribution to their lives. The graduation thesis is also written with the idea that it serves as a beginning of a deeper survey of supervision in Slovenia with the aim of discovering how we can further develop it in the pace with the development of society, to discover the real needs of the participants in supervision and to improve the processes and through them learn in which areas we lack knowledge. Literature in the Slovene language is limited and should be refreshed with more recent findings, so I started my thesis as a beginning of a further survey of supervision in Slovenia. In the proposals of graduation thesis I propose the establishment of a supervisory center that would serve as the main body for the development of supervision and a place where people who would have an interest would obtain all the necessary information in order to be able to attend the supervision. One of the main purposes of the center would be the possibility of conducting supervision at the center, which would prevent the constant change of premises, and hence the disturbance of the supervisory process and group dynamics. My graduation thesis should bring the approach closer to those who have not yet come to know it or are only familiar with it and present all of its positive characteristics and the real value in the opinion of people who were involved in supervision. I also hope that supervision finds its way into other professions that offer help to people.

Keywords:supervisors, social work, Social Chamber of Slovenia, supervisory issues, concepts, support

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