
Oblikovanje vzorcev za interier in izdelke v otroški sobi predšolskega otroka
ID Lipnik, Eva (Author), ID Burger Kovič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svetu, zasičenem s stvarmi, idejami in dogodki, včasih pozabimo na dejstvo, da je njegova usoda vsaj delno odvisna od tega, kako vzgajamo svoje otroke. V pričujočem diplomskem delu je zajeto eno področje, ki vpliva na otrokov razvoj, njegovo miselnost in dojemanje sveta od zibke naprej – oblikovanje vzorcev za interier otroške sobe. Na trgu je veliko prikupnih izdelkov, ki ustrezajo estetiki staršev, niso pa najbolj primerni za razvoj otrok, predvsem tistih najmlajših. Otrokov svet je sprva le tema in svetloba, iz katere počasi začne razločati naprej materin obraz, nato širšo okolico, sčasoma pa njegovo zavedanje začne obsegati celoten prostor, ki ga obdaja. V svoji sobi otrok preživi veliko časa, zato je pomembno, kako je opremljena. Obenem mora spodbujati njegovo radovednost ter z njo čustveni in intelektualni razvoj, po drugi strani pa ga ne sme preveč obremenjevati ali celo utrujati, temveč mora vzbujati tudi občutek varnosti in ga zvečer umiriti. Ob tem je potrebno upoštevati tako razvoj njegovega vida kot tudi osnove barvne teorije in psihološkega učinka barv. Rezultat raziskovanja so tri kolekcije barvnih vzorcev za tisk na tekstil, namenjene uporabi v interierju otroške sobe. Vzorci, ki sestavljajo kolekcije, so premišljeno zasnovani in izvedeni, da otrokovemu razvoju doprinesejo čim več.

Keywords:predšolski otroci, interier, tekstilni izdelki, barve, vzorci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109815 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2019
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Title:Pattern design for interior and products in preschool children's room
In the world, filled with things, ideas and events, it is often forgotten how its destiny, at least partly, depends on how we raise our children. One of the fields that influences children's development, their mentality and perception of the world since their early childhood is presented in this diploma thesis – pattern design for children's rooms' interior. There are many adorable products available on the market that meet parents' aesthetic standards but are not quite suitable for children's development, especially the youngest ones. At first, child's world is just darkness and light, from which he first begins to distinguish mother's face, then close surroundings and soon, his awareness starts to encompass the whole space that surrounds him. A child spends a lot of his time in his room, so it's furnishings are important. On one hand it has to encourage his curiosity, his emotional and intellectual development. On the other hand it must not be overwhelming or even tiresome, but it must also make him feel safe and calm him in the evening. To achieve all of this, one must take into account the development of child's sight, the basics of color theory and psychological impact of colors. Results of the research are three collections of color prints for textile printing, created for children's rooms' interiors. The patterns that comprise the collections are created and executed with care, so they contribute to child's development.

Keywords:preschool children, interior, textile products, colors, patterns

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