
Uporaba goriv z nizkih ogljičnim odtisom v naprednih procesih zgorevanja
ID Ferlič, Luka (Author), ID Katrašnik, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zniževanje izpustov onesnažil v motorjih z notranjim zgorevanjem se lahko doseže z uporabo sistemov za naknadno obdelavo izpušnih plinov ali z vpeljavo naprednih procesov zgorevanja. Sistemi za naknadno obdelavo izpušnih plinov povišujejo proizvodnjo ceno motorja, zato se intenzivno raziskuje napredne nizkotemperaturne procese zgorevanja, ki omogočajo sočasno doseganje nižjih izpustov dušikovih oksidov (NOx) in trdnih delcev (PM) v primerjavi s konvencionalnim dizelskim zgorevalnim procesom ob doseganju primerljivega toplotnega izkoristka motorja. Dodatno znižanje izpustov onesnažil CO2 se lahko doseže z uporabo alternativnih goriv, kot sta hidrogenizirano rastlinsko olje (HVO) in biometan, katerih uporaba v nizkotemperaturnih procesih zgorevanja je predmet analiz tega diplomskega dela. Za kompresijski vžig delovne zmesi, nadzorovan z njeno reaktivnostjo (RCCI), ki predstavlja enega izmed nizkotemperaturnih procesov zgorevanja, je raziskan vpliv deleža visoko reaktivnega goriva in deleža recirkuliranih izpušnih plinov na termodinamske parametre zgorevanja, indicirani izkoristek motorja in izpuste onesnažil. V RCCI procesu zgorevanja so se sočasno dosegali bistveno nižji izpusti NOx in PM, kot se lahko sočasno dosežejo v konvencionalnem dizelskem zgorevalnem procesu. Z uporabo HVO so bili izpusti NOx in PM nekoliko višji, izpusti ogljikovega monoksida (CO) in nezgorelih ogljikovodikov (THC) pa so se zmanjšali v primerjavi z doseženimi izpusti pri uporabi dizelskega goriva v RCCI procesu zgorevanja. Glede na rezultate analiz je bila ugotovljena primernost uporabe HVO namesto konvencionalnega dizelskega goriva v nizkotemperaturnih procesih zgorevanja, saj njegova uporaba pripomore k nižjemu ogljičnemu odtisu.

Keywords:motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem, napredni procesi zgorevanja, alternativna goriva, termodinamski parametri, izpusti onesnažil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Ferlič]
Number of pages:XXII, 48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109789 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16869659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Use of fuels with low carbon print in advanced combustion processes
The reduction of pollutant emissions in internal combustion engines can be achieved either through the use of exhaust aftertreatment systems or with the introduction of advanced combustion processes. Exhaust aftertreatment systems increase engine cost, therefore, advanced low-temperature combustion processes are being intensively investigated to allow simultaneous achievement of lower NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions compared to conventional diesel combustion processes while achieving comparable indicated efficiency. An additional reduction in CO2 emissions can be achieved by using alternative fuels, such as hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) and biomethane, whose use in low-temperature combustion processes is analyzed in this thesis. For reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI), which represents one of the low-temperature combustion processes, the influence of different mixtures of high and low reactive fuel and the proportion of recirculated exhaust gases on the thermodynamic combustion parameters, the indicated engine efficiency and the pollutant emissions are investigated. In the RCCI combustion process, simultaneously achieved emissions of NOx and PM were significantly lower than can be simultaneously achieved in a conventional diesel combustion process. With the use of HVO, NOx and PM emissions were slightly higher, carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbon (THC) emissions were reduced compared to the emissions achieved with diesel in the RCCI combustion process. Based on to the results of the analyzes, the use of HVO instead of conventional diesel in low-temperature combustion processes contributes to a lower carbon footprint.

Keywords:internal combustion engines, advanced combustion processes, alternative fuels, thermodynamic parameters, pollutant emissions

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