
Povezava med laboratorijskimi in terenskimi preizkusi pri vrednotenju življenjske dobe lesa
ID Kržišnik, Davor (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lesar, Boštjan (Comentor)

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V raziskavi je predstavljena povezava med laboratorijskimi in terenskimi preizkusi pri ocenjevanju funkcionalne in estetske življenjske dobe lesa. Rezultate, pridobljene v laboratorijskih preizkusih, smo kombinirali in primerjali z rezultati, pridobljenimi v terenskih preizkusih. Tako smo ovrednotili potencial različnih laboratorijskih testov za namen napovedovanja dinamike navlaževanja lesa v zunanjih pogojih uporabe. Da bi določili povezavo med laboratorijskimi in terenskimi preizkusi, smo izračunali Pearsonov koeficient korelacije, ki določa linearno povezanost dveh številskih spremenljivk. Rezultati so pokazali, da je mogoče sklepati, da se lahko nekateri hitrejši laboratorijski preizkusi uporabijo na napovedovanje interakcij vode z lesom v zunanji uporabi, vendar je za to potrebno dobro poznavanje pogojev uporabe. Pomen estetske življenjske dobe lesa se povečuje in ker je barva eden od najpomembnejših parametrov estetike, smo določili in ovrednotili razlike spreminjanja barve glede na smer izpostavljenosti. Izkazalo se je, da fotodegradacija prekrije znake modrenja, v vlažnih mesecih pa se lahko modrenje ponovno pojavi. Rezultati primerjave barvnih sprememb, dobljeni z laboratorijskimi in terenskimi preizkusi, so pokazali pozitivne Pearsonove koeficiente korelacije med naravnim staranjem lesa in kombinacijo obarvanja lesa z glivami modrivkami in umetnim staranjem lesa. Laboratorijske preizkuse odziva površin lesa bi bilo smiselno sestaviti iz dveh korakov, obarvanja z glivami modrivkami in umetnega pospešenega staranja, da bi najbolje simulirali barvne spremembe lesa, testiranega v terenskih preizkusih.

Keywords:les, odpornost lesa, funkcionalna življenjska doba, estetska življenjska doba, laboratorijski preizkusi, terenski preizkusi, koeficienti korelacije
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Kržišnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109757 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3102345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between laboratory and field tests in service life assessment of wood-based materials
This study presents the correlation between laboratory and field tests in assessing the functional and aesthetic service life of the wood. The results obtained in the laboratory experiments were combined and compared with the results obtained in field trials. Thus, we evaluated the potential of various laboratory tests for the purpose of predicting the dynamics of moistening of wood in external conditions of use. To determine the correlation between laboratory and field tests, we calculated the Pearson coefficient of correlation, which determines the linear connection of two numeric variables. The results showed that it could be inferred that some faster laboratory tests can be used to predict the interaction of water with wood in external use, but a good knowledge of the conditions of use is needed. The importance of the aesthetic service life of wood is increasing and because colour is one of the most important parameters of aesthetics, we have determined and evaluated the differences in the colour changes with respect to the direction of exposure. It turned out that photo-degradation covers the signs of blue staining, and in wet months, blue staining may reappear. The results of the comparison of colour changes obtained with laboratory and field tests showed the positive Pearson correlation coefficients between natural aging of the wood and the combination of wood colouring with blue-staining fungi and artificial aging of wood. Therefore, it would be sensible to assemble a two-step laboratory test (staining with fungi and artificially accelerated aging) in order to simulate the colour changes in the best way compared to the wood tested in field trials.

Keywords:wood, durability of wood, functional service life, aesthetic service life, laboratory tests, field tests, coefficients of correlation

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