
Etična in profesionalna odgovornost v zdravstveni negi : diplomsko delo
ID Vidmar, Tadeja (Author), ID Ovijač, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sotler, Robert (Comentor)

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Uvod: Delovanje zdravstvene nege in oskrbe močno vpliva na zdravje in življenje ljudi. Medicinska sestra je odgovorna do pacientov, sodelavcev, nadrejenih, do svoje stroke, širše družbe in sama sebi ter za svoje delo prevzema etično, profesionalno in pravno odgovornost. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti različne vrste odgovornosti v zdravstveni negi ter predstaviti nekatere raziskave o etični in profesionalni odgovornosti. Ugotoviti želimo, kakšne so bistvene razlike med etično in profesionalno odgovornostjo v zdravstveni negi ter kakšna naj bi bila etično in profesionalno odgovorna medicinska sestra. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s sistematičnim pregledom strokovnih in znanstvenih virov. Viri so bili iskani v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku s ključnimi besedami nursing, nurse, nurses, responsible, responsibility, accountability, ethics, ethical, proffesional, social, odgovornost in zdravstvena nega. Rezultati: Najdene vire smo obravnavali v sklopu posameznih poglavij, ki smo jih določili: odgovornost medicinske sestre do pacienta in njegove družine, profesionalna komunikacija, odgovornost medicinske sestre do same sebe, odgovornost medicinske sestre do sodelavcev, odgovornost za kakovostno izvajanje zdravstvene nege ter odgovornost medicinske sestre do družbe. Razprava in zaključek: Etična in profesionalna odgovornost je vključena v poklicnem kodeksu, nacionalni zakonodaji ter deklaraciji Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. Za profesionalno opravljanje poklica je nujno razviti visoko stopnjo etičnega zavedanja. Odgovorna medicinska sestra je ustrezno izobražena in usposobljena. V središče obravnave postavlja pacienta ter podporo nudi tudi njegovim bližnjim. Razvijati mora kulturne kompetence, profesionalno komunikacijo s pacientom in sodelavci; sodelovati mora v zdravstvenem timu ter spodbujati refleksijo in dialog ter neprestano izpopolnjevati svoje znanje.

Keywords:medicinska sestra, strokovnost, kodeks etike, morala, kakovost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109717 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5677675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Ethical and professional responsibility in nursing : diploma work
Introduction: Nursing strongly affects people's health and daily life. A nurse is responsible for their patients, co-workers, superiors, and other professionals, for the society, and herself. A nurse is ethically, professionally, and legally responsible for her work. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to define different responsibilities in nursing and to present some major research pieces about ethical and professional responsibilities in nursing. We wanted to identify essential differences between ethical and professional responsibility in nursing and present the characteristics of an ethical and professionally responsible nurse. Methods: In the thesis, we used a descriptive method with a systematic review of professional and science sources. We examined sources in Slovenian and English languages, and used the following keywords: nursing, nurse, nurses, responsible, responsibility, accountability, ethics, ethical, professional, and social. Results: We divided the discussion of sources at our disposal into chapters: the responsibility of a nurse towards the patients and their families, professional communication, self-responsibility of a nurse, responsibility of a nurse towards their co-workers, responsibility of a nurse for quality nursing, and responsibility of a nurse to society. Discussion and conclusion: Ethical and professional responsibility are included in the nurse's code of conduct, the national legislature and The Declaration of the World Health Organization. In order for a medical professional to execute her tasks professionally, it is essential that she develops a high level of ethical awareness. A responsible nurse meets appropriate criteria in terms of her education and qualification. She must develop cultural competence and be capable of professional communication with patients and co-workers. She must also be able to effectively work together with other team members, promote reflection and dialogue, and constantly improve her knowledge.

Keywords:nurse, professional competence, the code of ethics, morality, quality

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