
Karakterizacija senzoričnih lastnosti ajdovega medu
ID Kunšek, Nika (Author), ID Bertoncelj, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen naše raziskave je bila karakterizacija senzoričnih lastnosti ajdovega medu, ki spada med manj znane vrste slovenskega medu. V raziskavo smo vključili 10 vzorcev ajdovega medu letnika 2017 in 2018. S strokovnim panelom šolanih preskuševalcev smo ovrednotili senzorični profil ajdovega medu z metodo kvantitativne opisne analize in vzorce ocenili s točkovanjem senzoričnih lastnosti - videza, vonja, okusa in arome s sistemom 30-ih točk. Pri senzoričnem profiliranju smo določili prevladujočo animalno aromo, ki sta ji sledila topla in kemijska aroma. Cvetlična aroma je dosegla najnižjo intenzivnost na 10 cm lestvici. S potrošniškim panelom študentov smo vzorce ajdovega medu senzorično ocenili z metodo kvalitativne opisne analize CATA (»Označi vse kar ustreza«) in ovrednotili senzorične lastnosti s hedonsko lestvico. Študentje so z metodo CATA od podanih opisnikov najpogosteje izbrali srednje intenziven vonj, srednjo intenzivno aromo ter vonj in aromo po suhem sadju in karamelu. Okus je bil največkrat označen kot srednje sladek, nežno in srednje kisel ter nežno grenek. Potrošniki so najpogosteje uporabili opisnike cvetlične skupine za opis vonja in arome. Hedonsko ocenjevanje senzoričnih lastnosti je pokazalo, da je všečnost ajdovega medu slabša zaradi neprijetnega, animalnega vonja.

Keywords:med, ajdov med, senzorična analiza, senzorične lastnosti, senzorični profil, strokovni panel, potrošniki, CATA, senzorična sprejemljivost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Kunšek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109716 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5090680 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Sensory characterization of buckwheat honey
The purpose of our research was to define the sensory properties of buckwheat honey, the less known type of Slovenian honey. Ten samples of buckwheat honey from the years 2017 in 2018 were included in the study. A panel of trained assessors evaluated the sensory profile of buckwheat honey using the quantitative descriptive analysis method. The samples were also assessed by scoring the sensory properties (appearance, odour, taste and aroma) with a system of 30 points. Sensory profile of buckwheat honey is characterized predominantly by animal aroma, followed by warm and chemical aroma. Floral aroma is present in low intensities. With a panel of consumers, students at Biotechnical faculty, samples of buckwheat honey were evaluated using qualitative descriptive analysis (CATA; Check all that apply) method. Students also evaluated sensory properties of this honey type with hedonic scales. Descriptors that were most often chosen by the students to describe the odour and aroma of buckwheat honey samples were medium intense odour and aroma, referring to dried fruit and caramel. The taste was mostly marked as medium sweet, mild to medium sour and slightly bitter. Results showed that a panel of students more often used descriptors of the floral group to describe the odour and aroma of buckwheat honey. The hedonic assessment of sensory properties has shown that the overall likeness of buckwheat honey is worse due to the unpleasant, animal-like odour.

Keywords:honey, buckwheat honey, sensory analysis, sensory properties, sensory profile, sensory panel, consumers, CATA, sensory acceptability

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