
Svetopisemske in ljudske osnove ter literarne oblike motiva Marije v slovenskem pesništvu med obema svetovnima vojnama : doktorska disertacija
ID Brozovič, Maruša (Author), ID Avsenik Nabergoj, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izhodišče doktorske disertacije Svetopisemske in ljudske osnove ter literarne oblike motiva Marije v slovenskem pesništvu med obema svetovnima vojnama je teza, da motiv Marije v izbranem obdobju pri posameznih literarnih avtorjih in avtoricah prehaja od izvorno svetopisemske podobe Marije, obogatene s tradicionalno teološko razlago in ljudskim verovanjem, v individualizirano razumevanje njenega lika, njene podobe in vloge v posameznikovem življenju. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili polsubjektivno interpretacijsko metodo natančnega branja (ang. »close reading method«), pri čemer vsak tip besedila obravnavamo skladno z metodologijo področja, s katerega tekst prihaja, nato pa z interdisciplinarnim povezovanjem tkemo povezave med posameznimi besedili. Prvi del doktorske disertacije raziskuje Marijino podobo, kot je zapisana v Svetem pismu ter se je razvijala v zgodnji krščanski tradiciji in v ljudskem izročilu. Izhodišče razvoja podobe Marije je njena vloga Božje matere, opisana v Novi zavezi Svetega pisma (I.1.1) ter že v prvih stoletjih krščanstva razvitih tipoloških razlagah Stare zaveze Svetega pisma (I.1.2). Cerkveni očetje o Mariji vedno govorijo v odnosu do Kristusa (I.2). Slovenske ljudske legendarne in nabožne pesmi Marijin lik dojemajo v organski povezanosti med Marijino človeško materinsko naravo in njenim mestom v nebeški slavi ter sestavljajo del širšega evropskega izročila (I.3). Središče drugega dela je interpretacija motiva Marije v slovenski poeziji med obema svetovnima vojnama pri avtorjih in avtoricah: Anton Vodnik, Božo Vodušek, Vital Vodušek, Edvard Kocbek, Tine Debeljak, Jože Pogačnik, Miran Jarc, Srečko Kosovel, Alojz Gradnik, Pavel Golia, Ivan Čampa, mati Elizabeta Kremžar, Mara Lamut, Ana Gale in Ljubka Šorli. Med literarnimi vrstami je najpogosteje zastopana pesem v ožjem pomenu besede, ob tem še hvalnice, soneti, pripovedne pesmi in ep. Klasične oblike so navadno povezane s slavilno vsebino, v svobodnih oblikah je več osebnega odnosa z Božjo materjo. Pesmi so pisane v slogu religioznega ekspresionizma, nove stvarnosti, socialnega realizma, konstruktivizma, impresionizma in v tradicionalnem pesniškem izrazu, ki nadaljuje poetiko starejših plasti klasičnega poetskega izročila. Inovativnost na oblikovni in vsebinski ravni zaznamo predvsem pri avtorjih, ki so sodelovali pri reviji Križ na gori. Najpogostejši motiv je Marija mati človeštva, h kateri se vernik zateka v prošnjah in češčenju, redkeje slovenski avtorji in avtorice zajemajo iz izvorne svetopisemske podobe ter konkretnih ljudskih pesmi. Vzpostavljene so medumetnostne povezave z likovno umetnostjo in glasbo – nekaterih so se avtorji zavedali, druge smo prepoznali na podlagi raziskave širšega kulturnega konteksta. Obravnava Marijinega motiva v slovenskem pesništvu med obema svetovnima vojnama ponuja metodološko izhodišče za obravnavo njenega motiva v drugih obdobjih slovenske književnosti ali v drugih literarnih vrstah in zvrsteh. Doktorska disertacija je prva znanstvena študija motiva Božje matere v katerem koli obdobju slovenske književnosti in prinaša pomembna spoznanja o razvoju in transformacijah Marijinega motiva tako v literaturi kot tudi v teologiji, patristiki in folkloristiki ter jih povezuje v sklenjeno celoto na primeru slovenskega pesništva med obema svetovnima vojnama.

Keywords:slovenska književnost med obema svetovnima vojnama, Božja mati Marija, Sveto pismo, patristika, slovenska ljudska pesem
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Brozovič]
Number of pages: XII, 369 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109698 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:301496576 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Biblical and folklore fundations and literary forms of the motif of Virgin Mary in Slovenian poetry between the World Wars
The thesis of the doctoral dissertation Biblical and Folklore Foundations and Literary Forms of the Motif of Virgin Mary in Slovenian Poetry between the World Wars is that, in individual literary authors, the motif of Mary in the selected period shifts from the original Biblical image of Mary, one enriched with a traditional theological explanation and folk belief, to an individualized understanding of her character, her image and her role in human life. In order to achieve this goal, the semi-subjective literary interpretation method – the close reading method – has been used, in accordance with the methodologies belonging to the texts’ respective fields. Then, by means of interdisciplinary connection, correlations have been drawn between individual texts. In the first part of the dissertation, the image of Mary, as described in the Bible and developed in the early Christian tradition and in folk songs, is explored. The starting point of the development of the motif of Mary is her role as the Mother of God, presented in the New Testament of the Bible (I.1.1) and in the typological explanations of the Old Testament, developed in the first centuries of Christianity (I.1.2). The Church Fathers always discuss Mary in the context of her relationship to Christ (I.2). Slovenian folk legendary and religious songs, which are a part of a wider European tradition, see the image of Mary in the organic connection between her maternal, human basis and her place in heavenly glory (I.3). The second part of the thesis is taken up by the analysis of the motif of Mary in Slovenian poetry between World War I and World War II, focusing on the following poets of the period: Anton Vodnik, Božo Vodušek, Vital Vodušek, Edvard Kocbek, Tine Debeljak, Jože Pogačnik, Miran Jarc, Srečko Kosovel, Alojz Gradnik, Pavel Golia, Ivan Čampa, Mother Elizabeta Kremžar, Mara Lamut, Ana Gale and Ljubka Šorli. Among the literary types and genres, the most often represented is the poem in the narrow sense of the word. Hymns, sonnets, narrative poems and even an epic are also analysed. The classic forms usually correlate with the subject of worship, while free forms contain more notice of a personal relationship to the Mother of God. The poems are written in the style of religious expressionism, new reality, social realism, constructivism, and impressionism as well as the traditional poetic expression, continuing on the poetics of the earlier stages of classical poetic traditions. The innovativeness of the period mostly shows in authors who collaborated in the magazine Križ na gori. The most widespread is the motif of Mary, Mother of humankind, to whom a believer comes in supplication and praise. Less commonly, Mary’s image is directly connected to the source of her biblical image or specific folk songs. Intermedial links have also been established, linking the poetry to fine arts or music, some of which the authors are aware of, while the others have been discovered through our research into the cultural context. The discussion of the motif of Mary in Slovenian poetry in the time between World War I and World War II offers a methodological starting point to discuss her motif further in other literary periods of Slovenian literature or other literary genres. This doctoral thesis is the first scientific study of the motif of the Mother of God in any of the Slovene literary periods, and brings to light important findings on the development and transformations of the motif of Mary in literature, theology, patrology and folkloristics, and binds them into an integral whole, using Slovenian poetry in the time between World War I and World War II as a basis.

Keywords:Slovenian literature in the time between World War I and World War II, Mary, Mother of God, Bible, patrology, Slovenian folk song

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