
Longitudinalno spremljanje telesne dejavnosti otrok med 11. in 14. letom starosti : magistrsko delo
ID Potočnik, Žan Luca (Author), ID Jurak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sember, Vedrana (Comentor)

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Globalno sprejeta priporočila za telesno dejavnost otrok in mladine priporočajo minimalno 60 minut zmerno do visoko intenzivne telesne dejavnosti nad dan. Po različnih podatkih je v Evropi manj kot 50 % otrok telesno dejavnih v skladu s priporočili, po podatkih Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije pa globalno več kot 80 % otrok naj ne bi dosegalo priporočil. Raziskovalci iz različnih delov sveta ugotavljajo, da raven telesne dejavnosti upada z odraščanjem in da so dekleta telesno manj dejavna kakor fantje. Namen našega raziskovanja je ugotoviti, kako se spreminja telesna dejavnost slovenskih otrok v obdobju 11 – 14 let in ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v telesni dejavnosti fantov in deklet. Spremljali smo telesno dejavnost otrok v starostnem obdobju 11 – 14 let na vzorcu ljubljanskih osnovnošolcev. V prvem letu meritev je sodelovalo 114 preizkušancev, v drugem 90, tretjem 88 in četrtem 50. Devet preizkušancev je sodelovalo v vseh štirih časovnih točkah. Za merjenje telesne dejavnosti smo uporabili večsenzorne merilnike SenseWear Pro3, ki so podatke beležili v minutnih povprečjih. Zmerno intenzivnost telesne dejavnosti smo opredelili s 4 MET, visoko intenzivnost pa s 7 MET. Za statistično obdelavo smo izbrali metodo analize variance za odvisne vzorce. Razlike v celotni telesni dejavnosti so se izkazale za statistično značilne med starostnima skupinama 11 in 14 let (p = 0,006; - 2,34 h) in starostnima skupinama 12 ter 14 let (p = 0,016; -0,62 h). Razlike v povprečni intenzivnosti (MET) celotne telesne dejavnosti pri različnih starostih so bile statistično neznačilne F(3, 21) = 1,576, p = 0,225. Prav tako razlike v količini zmerno do visoko intenzivne telesne dejavnosti F(3, 21) = 1,232, p = 0,323. Analiza sedečega časa je pokazala, da ni statistično značilnih razlik v tej dejavnosti pri različnih starostih F(3, 21) = 1,207, p = 0,323. Prav tako ni razlik med spoloma v količini sedečih dejavnosti F(1, 7) = 0,318, p = 0,590. Zaradi okrnjenega vzorca ugotovitev ne moremo posploševati. Vendar pa bodo lahko uporabne tako za spodbude telesne dejavnosti v šolskem in domačem okolju kot tudi za primerjavo rezultatov prihodnjih tovrstnih raziskav v Sloveniji.

Keywords:telesna dejavnost, otroci, mladostniki, merilniki pospeškov, longitudinalna študija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109697 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5587889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Longitudinal Changes in Physical Activity in Children Between the Ages of 11 and 14
Globally accepted recommendations for physical activity of children and youth state that children should engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least for 60 minutes daily. Referring to different reports in Europe less than 50 % of children and youth is sufficiently active. According to World Health Organization less than 80 % of children achieve the recommendations. There are generally accepted ideas among researchers that level of physical activity is decreasing with age and that boys are more active than girls. The aim of our study is to investigate longitudinal changes in physical activity in children between the ages of 11 and 14 and observe gender differences. Total 114 children took part of our research at the age of 11. There were 90, 88 and 50 children at age 12, 13 and 14 respectively. There were nine participants who were measured at all of the ages. We used SenseWear Pro3, multi-sensor accelerometer for measuring physical activity. It collected data at 60 s epoch. We defined moderate activity with 4 MET and vigorous with 7 MET. For statistical analysis, we used two- way mixed ANOVA as a test for repeated measures. We observed significant differences in total physical activity (TPA) between age groups of 11 and 14 (p = 0,006; -2,34 h) and between age groups of 12 and 14 (p = 0,016; - 0,62 h). There were no significant differences observed in average intensity of TPA between different age groups F(3, 21) = 1,576, p = 0,225. The same goes for differences in moderate to vigorous activity F(3, 21) = 1,232, p = 0,323 and sedentary activity F(3, 21) = 1,207, p = 0,323. Also, there were no significant gender differences in sedentary activity F(1, 7) = 0,318, p = 0,590. Due to considerable drop out of measured children and small final sample avaliable for longitudinal analysis, we can not generalize our findings. Nevertheless findings can be useful for school or home-based physical activity initiatives. Additionally, we see our study as good basis for further research of physical activity in Slovenian children.

Keywords:physical activity, children, youth, accelerometer, longitudinal study

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