
Optimizacije komponent za magnezij-žveplove akumulatorje
ID Zaletel, Leja (Author), ID Dominko, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 000F4798E58D1BDD3D29934A9F83F425

Magnezij-žveplovi akumulatorji predstavljajo novo tehnologijo shranjevanja energije. Pri tem akumulatorskem sistemu se trenutno soočamo s številnimi izzivi, tako na katodni (redoks prenos naboj preko polisulfidov, samopraznjenje akumulatorja, …) in anodni (tvorba ionsko neprevodnega filma) strani celice. V eksperimentalnem delu diplomske naloge smo preverili vpliv različnih dodatkov v magnezijevo anodo na delovanje celice s katodo iz ogljik-žveplovega kompozita in elektrolitom na osnovi etra. Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek soli MgBr2 in MgCl2 izboljša delovanje sistema v začetnih ciklih. V drugem delu testiranj smo preizkusili tudi, kako učinkuje povečanje koncentracije elektrolita v sistemu. Ugotovili smo, da se s povečanjem koncentracije močno izboljša stabilnost kapacitete, obenem pa koncentracija elektrolita vpliva tudi na obliko krivulje praznjenja in redoks prenosa naboja preko polisulfidov. Preverili pa smo tudi kako na delovanje akumulatorja vpliva koncentracija žvepla v ogljik-žveplo kompozitu. Iz testiranj je razvidno, da povečanje koncentracije žvepla močno zniža tako začetne kot tudi končne kapacitete sistema.

Keywords:magnezij-žveplovi akumulatorji, magnezijevi prahovi, kapaciteta praznjenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109687 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538330307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Magnesium-sulfur batteries present a new developing technology of energy storage. While working with Mg-S cells we are faced with many challenges at the anode (passive film formation) and cathode (polysulfide shuttle effect, self-discharge) side. In this thesis we examined the influence of various additives into magnesium anode on the operation of the cell. The results show that the addition of salts MgBr2 and MgCl2 improve the system performance in the initial cycles. We also tested how concentration of the electrolyte effect the battery performance. We found that, by increasing the concentration of the electrolyte, stable capacities are greatly improved and at the same time the concentration also affects the shape of the discharge curve and the polysulfide shuttle effect. We also checked how the concentration of sulfur in the carbon-sulfur composite influences the operation of the battery. The test show that the increase in sulfur concentration greatly reduces both initial and established capacity of the system.

Keywords:magnesium-sulfur batteries, discharge capacity, Mg powders

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