
Razvoj armaturne plošče dirkalnika za tekmovanje Formula Student
ID ZUPIN, MATEVŽ (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V priloženem delu je opisan celoten postopek razvoja, ki je bil potreben, da smo prišli do funkcionalne in zanesljive rešitve armaturne plošče z integriranim sistemom telemetrije za dirkalnike, ki se bodo udeleževali tekmovanj Formula Student. Na začetku je opisan razvoj, ki se je začel že s prvo sezono, v kateri je naša ekipa Superior Engineering sodelovala na tekmovanjih Formula Student. Potrebna je bila preučitev izkušenj tedanjih članov ekipe, na podlagi česar sem naredil zasnovo za armaturno ploščo, ki bo eden ključnih elektronskih modulov v dirkalniku. Skozi celotno delo je nato opisano načrtovanje in izdelava tiskanega vezja kot tudi pripadajočega ohišja. Končni izdelek je sposoben preko vodila CAN komunicirati z ostalimi elektronskimi moduli avtomobila. Na tak način pridobiva vse podatke, ki jih vozniku prikaže preko po meri narejenih svetlobnih segmentov, od katerih so nekateri nujno potrebni, da dirkalnik ustreza pravilom tekmovanja. Takšna rešitev pa mi je omogočila vgradnjo še nekaterih drugih sistemov. Predstavljeno je spremljanje podatkov telemetrije vozila na oddaljenem računalniku, preko oddajno/sprejemnih modulov LoRa, ki so vgrajeni na tiskano vezje armaturne plošče. Za nadaljnji razvoj naprednega krmiljenja vožnje pa sem zagotovil še možnost pridobivanja podatkov GPS o dejanski smeri in hitrosti vozila, za želeno smer vozila pa pridobivanje podatkov s senzorja volanskega krmila.

Keywords:svetleča dioda, LCD, tiskano vezje, telemetrija, LoRa, vodilo CAN, Altium Designer, GPS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109661 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Title:Development of the racing car dashboard for Formula Student competition
In the following thesis, a complete process of research and development of a racing car dashboard is described, which was needed for us to come up with a functional and reliable solution with integrated telemetry system and other functions. The final product is intended to be used in a race car that will participate in Formula Student competitions. In the beginning a review of former dashboard development is presented from the first season in which our team Superior Engineering has participated in Formula Student competitions. I analyzed the experience of former team members on the basis of which I have then made a design for a new dashboard, which will be one of the key components of vehicles electronics. Throughout the work it is then described designing and production of needed printed circuit board as well as its housing. Final product is able to communicate with other electronic modules in the vehicle over CAN bus. In this way it receives all the data, which it then presents to the driver in the form of custom-made LED segment display. Some of those features are mandatory for the car to be rules compliant. Described solution has enabled me to implement some other systems onto the dashboard as well. I have described displaying of telemetry data on a remote computer using LoRa transceivers, which is also integrated onto the dashboards printed circuit board. For further development of advanced drive control, it can also provide data of actual heading and speed over ground, from integrated GPS receiver module. The desired heading is also provided by a dashboard, from a sensor on the steering column.

Keywords:LED, LCD, printed circuit board, telemetry, LoRa, CAN bus, Altium Designer, GPS

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