
Vpliv in vloga družine na kakovost oskrbe in življenja starih
ID Bukovec, Fiona (Author), ID Švab, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Življenjska doba se v današnjem času podaljšuje. Zaradi demografskih sprememb se spreminjajo tudi politike in sistemi, ki se ukvarjajo s ključnim vprašanjem kakovostnega življenja starejših ljudi. Velik doprinos k zagotavljanju kakovostne oskrbe prinaša institucionalno in neinstitucionalno varstvo starejših prebivalcev, vendar se pri tem vse bolj poudarja pomen družine. V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano kakovostno staranje ljudi, ki bivajo v domu starejših, ter kakšna je pri tem vloga družine. V prvem delu so na podlagi teoretskega orisa starosti predstavljene družbene, zgodovinske in demografske spremembe pri staranju. Sledi analiza kakovostnega staranja, družine in družinskih odnosov ter soustvarjanja kakovostne oskrbe, ki se osredotoča na dejstvo, kako pomembna je pri tem družina. Ta je v drugem delu podkrepljena z analizo intervjujev posameznikov, ki se soočajo s ključnim vprašanjem kakovostnega staranja. Teoretski del se končna z opredelitvijo institucionalnega in neinstitucionalnega varstva. Empirični del je sestavljen iz opisa institucije v sklopu katere je opravljena raziskava. Opisu sledi analiza rezultatov, podkrepljena z odgovori intervjuvancev. Empirični del je zaključen z diskusijo. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da na odločitve večine starih glede oskrbe družina nima posebnega vpliva, kar pa ne pomeni, da njihovo mnenje ne šteje. Dobri družinski odnosi pomembno vplivajo na njihovo počutje, sprejemanje starosti in kakovostno življenje. Razlogi za odločitev za institucionalno varstvo so večinoma osamljenost, nezmožnost skrbeti zase ali za partnerja in slabo zdravstveno stanje. Moški se po odgovorih sodeč težje odločijo za odhod v dom, to določijo predvsem patronažne sestre ali zdravniki, ko pacient pristane v bolnišnici. Ženske po drugi strani, to odločitev sprejmejo hitreje in lažje.

Keywords:star človek, kakovostno staranje, družina, dom starejših
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109621 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36384093 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The influence and role of the family on the quality of care and life of the elderly
Today's life span is being extended. Demographic change is also changing policies and systems that address the key issue of the quality of life of older people. A major contribution to the provision of quality care comes from institutional and non-institutional care for the elderly, but the importance of family is increasingly emphasized. The diploma thesis deals with the quality of aging of people living in a nursing home and the role of the family. In the first part, social, historical and demographic changes in aging are presented on the basis of a theoretical outline of age. This is followed by an analysis of quality aging, family and family relationships, and co-creation of quality care that focuses on the importance of family in this. The second part is supported by an analysis of the interviews of individuals who are confronted with the key issue of quality aging. The theoretical part ends with the definition of institutional and non-institutional protection. The empirical part consists of a description of the institution within which the research was conducted. The description is followed by an analysis of the results, supported by the interviewees' answers. The empirical part concludes with a discussion. Most of the elderly's decisions regarding care were found to be unaffected by the family, which does not mean that their opinion does not count. Good family relationships have a significant impact on their well-being, acceptance of age and quality of life. The main reasons for institutional care are: loneliness, inability to care for yourself or a partner, and poor health. Men seem to have a harder time deciding to come to the home, especially when nursing or inpatient appoints nurses or doctors. Women, on the other hand, make that decision faster and easier.

Keywords:old people, quality aging, family, home of the elderly

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