
Pametni telefoni kot sredstvo povezovanja migrantov pri doseganju »trdnjave Evrope«
ID Perner, Špela (Author), ID Zavratnik, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu skušamo s pomočjo koncepta »povezanih migrantov«, avtorice Diminescu (2008), nakazati pomen, ki ga igrajo pametni telefoni v aktualnih migracijskih procesih. Trenutni procesi so zaznamovani z množično dostopnostjo informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij, zaradi česar lahko govorimo o novem dojemanju razmerja čas-prostor. Pametni telefoni so s svojo dostopnostjo in zmožnostjo ohranjanja transnacionalnih vezi in občutka prisotnosti na več krajih naenkrat sredstvo opolnomočenja migrantov na njihovi poti. Z njimi v digitalnih družbah delujejo kot aktivni soustvarjalci spletnih vsebin in akterji kulture vezi, ki se vzpostavlja in ohranja onkraj nacionalnih meja. Dokazati skušamo, da migranti na svoji poti razvijejo različne načine spoprijemanja z različnimi grožnjami in ovirami, s katerimi so soočeni. Svoje trditve ilustriramo na primeru štirih intervjujev, opravljenih z osebami z mednarodno priznano zaščito v Sloveniji. Ugotovitve pokažejo, da je v treh primerih od štirih posedovanje pametnega telefona pomembno pripomoglo k olajšanju poti v Evropo, zaradi potencialov, ki jih telefoni predstavljajo za migrante, pa so ti bili podvrženi grožnjam odvzema pametnih telefonov.

Keywords:migracije, pametni telefon, transnacionalizem, meje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109617 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36379997 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Title:Smartphones as means for connecting among migrants on their way to »fortress Europe«
Drawing mainly on Diminescu's (2008) concept of connected migrant, the main aim of thesis is to imply a role, smartphones play in recent migration processes. Current processes are characterized by accessibility of information-communication technology, wherefore a new perception of time-space relation is possible. Smartphones, with their accessibility and capability to maintain transnational connections, and a sense of being present in more than one place at a time, can be means of empowerment for migrants on their way. With smartphones, migrants in digital societies act as active co-creators of digital content and agents of culture of bonds, which is established and maintained beyond national borders. The aim is to demonstrate migrant’s diverse ways to contend with different threats and obstacles on their way to target country. Main finding is that in three out of four cases, possessing a smartphone importantly eased migrant’s road to Europe. Because of the potential smartphones represent for people on the move, migrants were subjected to threats of taking their phones away.

Keywords:migration, smartphone, transnationalism, borders.

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