
Žensko osvobodilno gibanje na Japonskem: ūman ribu
ID Močilnik, Vanesa (Author), ID Culiberg, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo skuša celostno preučiti kje, kako in zakaj se je na začetku 70. let 20. stoletja pojavilo gibanje uman ribu. Raziskovala sem zgodovino feminističnih gibanj ter zgodovino ženskih študij, da bi čim bolje razumela problem neenakopravnosti žensk na zgodovinski točki pojavitve tega gibanja. Izraz 'ribu’ se je sicer uporabljal kot oznaka za določeno vrsto miselnosti. Ta vrsta miselnosti je vključevala ideje osvoboditve spolnosti, novo podobo ženske in matere, problem reprodukcije znotraj kapitalizma in problem zatiranja žensk na podlagi določenih zakonov. Gibanje se je uradno vzpostavilo kot reakcija na vietnamsko vojno, neuradno pa je izšlo iz mnogih drugih gibanj tistega časa – eno izmed pomembnejših je bilo študentsko gibanje. Poleg tega diplomsko delo predstavlja nekakšen strukturni premik, ki se je dogodil; v tem osvobodilnem gibanju se je namreč vzpostavilo enako hierarhično razmerje moči znotraj samega gibanja kljub temu, da so se aktivistke trudile izničiti ali pa kar se da zmanjšati hierarhično oblast, ki je vladala med moškim in žensko izven njega. Kako je prišlo do tega? Za glavno predstavnico gibanja velja Tanaka Mitsu, ki je bila na čelu delovanja v glavnem centru gibanja Shinjuku, kjer se je ta strukturni premik zgodil. Kako umestiti to gibanje znotraj toka dogodkov v 60. in 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja? Na kakšen način lahko razumemo strukturni premik in reprodukcijo hierarhije? Zakaj je radikalnost tega gibanja pogosto omenjena z negativno konotacijo?

Keywords:feminizem, Tanaka Mitsu, uman ribu, žensko osvobodilno gibanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109581 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Women’s Liberation Movement: Ūman Ribu
This undergraduate thesis tries to shed light on where, how and why the movement Uman Ribu appeared in the beginning of the 1970s. I researched the history of feminist movements and women studies in order to better comprehend the problem of gender inequality in that point of time in history. The word Ribu was also used for a sort of mentality, that included liberation of sex, a new image of women and mothers, the problem of reproduction in capitalism and the problem of repressing women on a legal ground. The movement formally began as the reaction to Vietnamese war, informally, however, it was forming alongside other movements, such as the students’ movement. Moreover, this thesis presents a sort of structural shift that had occurred. The hierarchical power relations that exist amid men and women, which the movement tried to destroy outside of it, shifted to the inside of it, even though most of them were women. How did it come to this? Tanaka Mitsu is thought to be a representative out of all participants in the “Ribu Shinjuku Center”, where the structural shift happened. How can we include this movement in the current of events in the 60s and 70s Japan? How can we understand the shift and the reproduction of the afore mentioned hierarchy? Why is this movement often negatively described as a radical one?

Keywords:feminism, Tanaka Mitsu, Uman Ribu, women’s liberation movement

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