
Vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta z disfagijo po možganski kapi : diplomsko delo
ID Tomažič, Melita (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podnar, Nataša (Comentor)

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Uvod: V akutnem obdobju po možganski kapi se pacienti pogosto soočajo z motnjami požiranja. Medicinske sestre imajo pomembno vlogo pri prepoznavanju pacientov, ki so izpostavljeni tveganju za aspiracijo tekočine ali hrane v dihalne poti in preprečevanju zapletov, kot so dehidracija, podhranjenost in smrt. Tako ugotavljanje kot tudi obravnava disfagije potekata timsko. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti disfagijo po možganski kapi, predstaviti, kakšna je vloga medicinske sestre pri pacientu z disfagijo, in v raziskovalnem delu predstaviti, kakšno je razumevanje disfagije pri medicinskih sestrah na Nevrološki kliniki v Ljubljani. Metode dela: Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika v obliki presečne študije, uporabili smo kvantitativno raziskovalno metodologijo. V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Literatura je bila iskana s pomočjo mednarodnih podatkovnih baz COBISS, Cochrane Library, CINAHL with full text, MEDLINE in ScienceDirect, do katerih smo dostopali prek iskalnika PubMed in DiKUL. Izbrani članki so se nanašali na disfagijo po možganski kapi in vlogo medicinske sestre pri njenem ugotavljanju. Rezultati: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da imajo anketirane medicinske sestre največ dvomov pri hranjenju pacienta z motnjo požiranja. To je ena od odgovornejših nalog medicinskih sester. Poznavanje osnov, opredelitev in dejstev motenj požiranja je pri medicinskih sestrah dokaj dobro. Praktično znanje je nekoliko šibkejše, kar velja predvsem za pogoje izvajanja preizkusa požiranja z vodo. Razprava in zaključek: Z več znanja s področja terapevtskih in kompenzatornih prijemov bi bilo samozaupanje medicinskih sester pri hranjenju in hidraciji pacientov verjetno precej večje. Ustaljen in uspešen način prepoznavanja pacientov z disfagijo pripomore k preprečevanju zapletov, ki jih povzroča disfagija. Še večja usposobljenost kadra bi uspeh obravnave še potencirala. Poudarek je treba dati dobremu timskemu sodelovanju in povezovanju v multidisciplinarnem timu. Raziskava je pokazala potrebo po stalnem izobraževanju s strani specialistov logopedov, usposobljenih za obravnavo pacientov z nevrogeno obliko motenj požiranja.

Keywords:disfagija, možganska kap, vloga medicinske sestre, presejanje disfagije, multidisciplinarni pristop
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109574 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5674347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the nurse in treating a post-stroke dysphagic patient : diploma work
Introduction: In the acute period after a stroke, patients are often faced with swallowing disorders. Nurses play an important role in identifying patients who are at risk of aspirating fluid or food into the airways, and in preventing complications such as dehydration, malnutrition and death. Those findings and as well as the treatment of dysphagia are carried out in teams. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to define dysphagia after a stroke, to present the role of a nurse in a patient with dysphagia and to present the findings of the regarding research work consisting the nurse’s understanding of dysphagia at the Neurological Clinic in Ljubljana. Methods: The research was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire in the form of a cross-sectional study, and we used quantitative research methodology. In the theoretical part, the descriptive method of work was used. The literature was sought with the help of international COBISS databases, Cochrane Library, CINAHL with full text, MEDLINE and ScienceDirect, which we accessed through the PubMed and DiKUL search engines. The selected articles have been related to stroke dysphagia and the role of a nurse in identifying it. Results: In the study, we found that most of the questioned nurses have a problem with feeding a patient who has a swallowing disorder. This is one of the more responsible tasks for nurses. Knowing the basics, definitions and facts of swallowing disorders is quite good for nurses. Practical knowledge is somewhat weaker, especially taking into account the conditions surrounding the implementation of water swallowing test. Discussion and conclusion: With additional knowledge in the field of therapeutic and compensatory receptions, the self-confidence of nurses in feeding and patient hydration would likely be considerably higher. An established and successful way of identifying patients with dysphagia helps to prevent complications caused by dysphagia. Additional training of personnel would further enhance the success of the treatment. Emphasis needs to be given on good teamwork and networking in the multidisciplinary team. The study showed the need for continuous education by specialist speech therapists, trained to treat patients with a neurogenic form of swallowing disorders.

Keywords:dysphagia, stroke, nurse’s role, dysphagia screening, multidisciplinary approach

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