
Samopopravljivi betoni
ID Buh, Tanja (Author), ID Cerc Korošec, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Samopopravljivi betoni so betoni, ki vsebujejo samopopravljivo komponento, ki služi kot takojšnje sredstvo za popravilo poškodb na betonskih konstrukcijah. Osredotočila sem se na proces biomineralizacije in nastanek kalcijevega karbonata kot metode, s katero se podaljšuje trajnost in trdnost zgrajenih objektov. Potem ko v betonu nastanejo manjše razpoke, delovanje bakterij, ki so v beton predhodne vmešane, omogoči nastanek oborine, ki razpoko ponovno zapolni. Pripravila sem vzorec z vsebovanimi bakterijami in ga opazovala 28 dni v vodi, kjer sem spremljala nastanek in rast oborine kalcijevega karbonata. Opisni in vizualni oceni uspešnosti procesa sem dodala še spremljanje in slikanje pod optičnim in vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom. Postopek se je izkazal za uspešnega, oborina kalcijevega karbonata je nastala in pričakovano zapolnila razpoke v vzorcih.

Keywords:samopopravljivi beton, samoceljenje, biomineralizacija, kalcijev karbonat
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109457 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538303939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2019
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Title:Self-Healing Concrete
Self-healing concrete is a concrete that contains a self-healing component which behaves as an immediate agent for repairing injuries on constructions made of concrete. I focused on the process of biomineralization and the formation of calcium carbonate as the method which prolongs the durability and firmness of structures. After minor cracks are formed in the concrete, the action of bacteria previously mixed into the concrete allows the formation of a precipitate that fills the crack again. A sample that contained the bacteria was prepared, immersed into water and observed for 28 days. The appearance and growth of calcium carbonate precipitation was followed during this period. The process was descriptively and visually evaluated and images were taken with an optical as well as scanning electron microscope. The process was successful; calcium carbonate precipitation appeared and filled the cracks of the samples, as expected.

Keywords:self-healing concrete, self-healing, biomineralization, calcium carbonate

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