
Metoda Montessori za stare ljudi in ljudi z demenco
ID Simčič, Tadeja (Author), ID Šugman Bohinc, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prvem delu magistrskega dela najprej opredelim, kaj je demenca. Sledijo vrste demence, kjer vsako posebej opišem. Opredelim razvojne faze demence in modele razumevanja demence. Predstavim socialno delo s starimi ljudmi in ljudmi z demenco. Posebno pozornost posvetim metodi Montessori, kjer najprej opišem razvoj omenjene metode in predstavim, kako so jo začeli uporabljati pri delu s starimi ljudmi in ljudmi z demenco. Opišem temeljne principe metode Montessori in njene značilnosti. Empirični del temelji na kvalitativni raziskavi. Z opazovanjem in spraševanjem sem podatke za raziskavo zbirala v Domu Sv. Jožefa v Celju, kjer metodo Montessori izvajajo. Zanimalo me je, kateri elementi se kažejo v domu, kako uporaba metode Montessori prispeva h krepitvi moči stanovalcev in o katerih stvareh lahko stanovalci soodločajo. Zanimal me je tudi, kakšen je (potencialni) prispevek metode Montessori k socialnemu delu s starimi ljudmi in ljudmi z demenco. Ugotovila sem, da v domu uporabljajo Montessori materiale in aktivnosti in okolje je prilagojeno stanovalcem in njihovim potrebam. Skozi življenje v domu se opazijo dnevne rutine, ki jim metoda Montessori pripisuje velik pomen. Pomembna ugotovitev je bila tudi ta, da metoda Montessori prispeva k krepitvi moči stanovalcev, saj spodbuja samostojnost in jim omogoča, da v čim večji meri ohranjajo neodvisnost, in se osredotoča na osebo in njene zmožnosti in na tem gradi. Ugotovila sem, da jih zaposleni v domu vključujejo v odločitve o njih samih in upoštevajo njihove želje in izbiro.

Keywords:metoda Montessori, demenca, socialno delo, stari ljudje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109440 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Montessori method for elderly people and people with dementia
In the first part of the master’s thesis dementia is defined. In the following, types of dementia, each described separately, developmental stages of dementia, and models for understanding dementia are defined. Further, the social work with old people and people with dementia is presented. The thesis devotes a special attention to the Montessori method, describing the basic principles, its characteristics, development process of the method, and showing how the method has begun to be used to work with old people and people with dementia. The empirical part is based on qualitative research. Survey data have been collected with interviews and observation of residents of Dom Sv. Jožef in Celje, where the Montessori method is implemented, as well as the environment and infrastructure is adapted to the inhabitants and their needs. The effects of method usage are shown in the activities and daily routines, which the authors of Montessori method ascribe great importance to. Employees involve the residents of Dom Sv. Jožef in making decisions about themselves and take into account their wishes and choices. It is clear that the Montessori method contributes to strengthening the power of the inhabitants, encourages their autonomy and enables them to maintain independence as much as possible. The method itself is focused on the person and his or her abilities.

Keywords:Montessori method, dementia, social work, old people

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