
Sodelovanje centra za socialno delo z drugimi institucijami v primeru nasilja v družini
ID Jursinovič, Tjaša (Author), ID Kresal, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 38D85FCF7E3B36DD88BB085778E0787B

V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala, kako poteka sodelovanje med centrom za socialno delo Primorsko-Notranjska in drugimi institucijami v primeru nasilja v družini. Zanimalo me je, kakšno vlogo ima posamezna institucija pri preprečevanju nasilja in zaščiti žrtve, kakšni so predlogi za učinkovitejše sodelovanje med institucijami v primeru nasilja v družini ter kakšne so možnosti izobraževanja strokovnih delavcev, ki so zaposleni na področju preprečevanja nasilja. Odločila sem se za kvalitativno raziskavo, saj sem želela pridobiti besedne opise in ne številk. V teoretičnem delu opredelim pojem nasilje in predstavim oblike nasilja. Pozornost namenim tudi vrstam nasilja v družini, ki zajemajo nasilje med partnerjema, nasilje nad otroci in nasilje nad starostniki. V nadaljevanju povzamem zakonodajo na področju preprečevanja nasilja v družini od samega začetka pa do danes ter opišem pristojnost nekaterih institucij, s katerimi sodeluje center za socialno delo v primeru nasilja v družini. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, v kateri so sodelovali trije socialni delavci, regijski koordinator za preprečevanja nasilja v družini, svetovalna delavka zaposlena v vzgojno-izobraževalni ustanovi, predstavnik policije in strokovna delavka zaposlena v kriznem centru. V intervjuju sem pozornost namenila osmim temam: vir informacij, naloga institucije, delo s povzročiteljem nasilja, obravnava žrtve in povzročitelja nasilja, multidisciplinarni tim, informacije o nasilju v družini, medinstitucionalno sodelovanje ter izobraževanje. Preko omenjenih tem sem raziskovala kako poteka sodelovanje med centrom za socialno delo Primorsko-Notranjska in drugimi institucijami v primeru nasilja v družini. Ugotovila sem, da sodelovanje med institucijami poteka dobro. Intervjuvanci se zavedajo pomembnosti sodelovanja, zato si redno izmenjujejo informacije o nasilju v družini. Žrtvi nudijo celostno obravnavo, kar je bistveno za preprečitev nadaljevanja nasilja. Večinoma se redno udeležujejo multidisciplinarnega tima, ki ga skliče center za socialno delo, včasih pa tudi sami predlagajo sklic. Kljub dobremu sodelovanju, si ga želijo še krepiti. Predlagajo, da bi bile informacije o nasilju bolj izčrpne, da bi se vsi predstavniki institucij redno udeleževali multidisciplinarnih timov, da bi pri načrtovanju dela z družini upoštevali mnenje vseh institucij, da bi cilje hitreje realizirali ter da bi se jih v prihodnje razbremenilo z dodatno zaposlitvijo na področju preprečevanja nasilja. Da bi bili pri svojem delu čim bolj učinkoviti se redno udeležujejo izobraževanj. Predlagajo, da bi se izobraževanj udeležili večkrat letno, ta pa naj bi bila bolj specializirana in ne toliko splošna, da bi bila organizirana pravočasno ter da bi jim delodajalci omogočili ekskurzije v tujini.

Keywords:center za socialno delo, policija, vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove, nevladne institucije, nasilje, družina, pristojnosti, medinstitucionalno sodelovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109381 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperation of the Centre for Social Work with other institutions in the field of domestic violence
The thesis explores the cooperation between the Centre for Social Work Centre Primorsko - Notranjska and other institutions in the case of domestic violence. Our purpose is to research the role of each institution in preventing violence and protecting the victim, proposals for a more effective cooperation between institutions in the event of domestic violence and the possibilities of educating professionals working in the field of violence prevention. We decided for a qualitative survey because we wanted to gather opinions rather than numbers. In the theoretical part, we define the concept of violence and present forms of violence. Furthermore, we describe the types of domestic violence that include intimate partner violence, violence against children and violence against the elderly. We then summarize the legislation in the field of preventing domestic violence from the very beginning to the present, and describe the jurisdictions of some institutions with which the Centre for Social Work cooperates in the field of domestic violence. The empirical part presents the results of the survey, which included three social workers, a regional coordinator for the prevention of domestic violence, an advisor working in an educational institution, a police representative and a professional working at the crisis centre. The interview covered eight topics: source of information, role of the institution, working with the perpetrator, treatment of victims and perpetrators, multidisciplinary team, information on family violence, interinstitutional cooperation and education. Through these topics, we research how the cooperation between the Centre for Social Work Centre Primorsko - Notranjska and other institutions in the case of domestic violence is taking place. We found that the cooperation between the institutions is going well. Interviewees are aware of its importance, so they regularly exchange information about domestic violence. Victims are offered comprehensive treatment, which is essential to preventing the continuation of violence. Most of them regularly attend (or sometimes even propose) the meeting of the multidisciplinary team, convened by the Centre for Social Work. Despite good cooperation, they want to strengthen it. They suggest that the information on violence should be more comprehensive, that all representatives of the institutions should regularly attend multidisciplinary teams, that planning the work with the family should take into account the views of all institutions, that goals should be achieved faster and that additional employment should be considered in the field of violence prevention to relieve them in the future. In order to be as effective as possible in their work, they attend training regularly. They suggest several annual trainings, which should be more specialised and organized on time. They also wish their employers organised work trips abroad.

Keywords:centre for social work, police, educational institutions, non-governmental institutions, violence, family, jurisdictions, interinstitutional cooperation.

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